
Just look at this! ⟩ The first multifamily housing has been built on the site of theoldairfield

Только взгляните! ⟩ На месте старого аэродрома построен первый многоквартирный дом

Construction of the first house micro-district, just a few steps from the Estonian National Museum in Tartu, began last summer, and now the building is almost finished. Already in March the first tenants are scheduled to move in.

Construction of the first house micro-district, just a few steps from the Estonian National Museum in Tartu, began in the summer of last year, and now the building is

almost finished.

The third floor of the house, which is almost ready, is a demonstration two-bedroom apartment. “Now it is no longer just drawings on paper, ” says the manager of the region Tartu and Tartumaa of Domus Kinnisvara Kaisa Hiire. – – In the demonstration apartment potential buyers will be able to see andfeelhowtheywilllivehere.”

Housingin the middle ofthe


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