Just Eat Takeaway has announced its intention to leave the French market. The meal delivery company says it was unable to make its French branch sizeable or profitable enough.
“Difficult decision”
Just Eat Takeaway says it wants to close all of its operations in France, albeit “subject to consultation.” The “difficult decision” had to be made because the meal delivery company wants to increase its efficiency and focus on countries where it can build “strong and sustainably profitable positions.”
The company does not disclose financial details, but says France represents only “a small part” of its total operations. The Dutch company says it will support all employees that are “potentially” affected.
Just Eat Takeaway had already announced the dismissal of all non-freelance couriers in February. The closure of its Scoober branch was also already on the cards back then. The company wants to work only with independent couriers and with restaurants making their own deliveries, after more than a billion euros in losses in 2022.