Prickets – according to a known farmer and unionist from Piotrków county – is immeasurably more threatening, than African Disease of pigs or Aujeszky’s disease. Because of the irrigation that virus is transmitted through air to large distances, the symptoms in animals may appear after a longer time, animals can be carriers of the virus for up to 3 years, and the virus is a threat to humans as well.
The fact, that there is no confirmed second focus at all farmers is not reassuring, because there is no scientific indications, that there is another focal yet in Germany. While what, Germany still has not explained even why the fire has occurred in their . In this situation importing from there meat – such beef as and pork -. this igrates with the losso of Polish farmers and the whole of polish agricultural and food exports – arguments Terka.
Close the border, explains the situation
According to the agricultural activist, the Polish authorities should follow the footsteps of other countries, which have closed or want to close the borders for import of German meat and milk, that is. Great Britain, South Korea South Korea, Ireland, The Netherlands.
-Till the unambiguous clarification of the situation in Germany, we have the right and should close our borders to German products. Fire nearly 60 km from us. Argument of regionalization there is no one convinced and no action. Yes the self see that countries, which import from Germany hold back, and perfectly realize the same that Germany – convinces Terka.-.I am convinced, that the Germans would have done the same, when the pipeline was with us. As we had Auyeszy-ego so they did.
GLW explains the consequences
Janusz Terka referred politicians and decision makers to the Page of the Head Inspectorate of Veterinary, which we read:
“The country, in which will have fluenza, is exposed to very large economic losses in the meat industry and breeding. these losses are caused by falls of animals of vulnerable species, the costs of eliminating focus of disease and the compensation paid, and also withholding the trading and export of animals of susceptible species, meat of those animals and products sourced from those animals.”
The head of the German Association of Farmers has publicly admitted that the country must be prepared for restrictions on exports for at least 6 months,if it doesn’t come up another focus. Losses are already in billions of euros – says Janusz Terka. Whether our government is for such scenario ready? Will it continue to “tempt los” and put us at such huge risk?” – asks a farmer activist from Piotrkov Trybunalski.
Postulate farmers for government
As we hear, the postulate to close the Polish border for German meat will be voiced at tomorrow’s meeting with Minister of agriculture Ceslaw Siekierski.
W at this moment imports from Germany this
is conflicting the loss of thousands of farmers and our whole economy. Farmers expect that our authorities will finally remember, because with each
next day the risk is increasing – Terka commands. -This is not an issue of being a good or bad neighbor, a political decision, but
an issue of national interests and the safety of citizens – adds a houseman three from
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of fattening, but is justified there is now a import ban of pigs and meat from Germany?