We have received a response from the Report of Agriculture sent to the National Association of Grain and Protein Plant Producers, which also requests for such solution. Prof. Marek Mrówczynski from the Institute of Plant Protection PIB on our fractions explained why this is so important. It is about supporting reduction of pesticide use. – 8 proc. VAT should apply to adjuvants, because this affects the reduction of use of pesticides for plant protection. This is the principal of the EU Strategy “From the field to the table”, which mandates reducing by 50 percent, the use of chemical preparations. Increasing VAT by 15 percent. results in reduced use of adjuvants, which will generate increased use of preservatives for plant protection. This is contradictory to integrated protection
of plants, which is obligatory in the EU from January 1 2014 year. – said to us prof.
Marek Mrówczyński.
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Increase pressure on lower use of measures protecting plants in agriculture?
Now it turns out that there is no chance
– In the issue of VAT on adjuvants I kindly inform you, that the introduced modification of Annex number 3 to the law on VAT tax had the purpose of enabling application 8 proc. rate VAT to wider catalog of agrochemical products. In this purpose item. 10 of Annex number 3 to the Act on VAT “Fertilizers and preservatives of plants – usually intended for use in agricultural production, and feed and food for farm and domestic animals” has been replaced by separate items covering individual groups of products. In the place of the existing entry “means of protection of plants – usually for use in agricultural production” the entry “means of protection of plants has been introduced, about which the speech in the law of the day 8 March 2013 year. on measures for protection of plants (OJ U. of 2024 year. position 630)”. The modification in no way affected the issue of adjuvants, a only means of protection of plants, to the group of which adjuvants were not and notare included – read in the response of the Ministry of Agriculture and Development of Village.
As added, the updated modification of Annex number 3 to the Law on VAT consisting of adding to items. 10 a in addition to fertilizers,
a series of other products, such as improving properties of soil, stimulators of growth, substrates for cultivation, products fermentation or
fertilization products microbial will allow to reduce costs of agricultural production.
– Bearing in mind the importance of adjuvants in
protection of plants will be made to in the future adjuvants be covered by lower, 8 proc. rate VAT – provided
by resort of agriculture.