- In application mCitizen there was no possibility to add one valid document. This is about permission for weapons.
- Plans to make available in app mCitizen another document, the permit for weapon, to the Ministry of Digitization have been requested in the Parliamentary interpellation.
- The Police representative stated, that there is no legal basis for adding permission to possess weapons to the citizen system and In concerning this there is no legislative plans in this area.
mCitizen without permission for weapons
Member Bartholom Pejo (New Hope) has returned with interpellation and has asked the following question: When will the Ministry take the steps, to in application mCitizen find also issued permits for weapons?
The digitization of documents, which is currently occurring in Poland, facilitates the use of these in public space. A particularly sensitive document is the permit for weapons. It is an issue concerning safety and avoidance of situations that may abuse the trust of state authorities to persons possessing weapons. As a member leading the Committee of Digitization, Innovation and Modern Technologies I receive many votes from the environment of people with permits for weapons, that digitizing this document and adding it to applications mCitizen will significantly improve the safety and comfort of using this permit (….) – reads in the Parliamentary interpretation.
To the above interpellation responded Deputy Minister of digitalisation Dariusz Standerski, who noted, that this topic was discussed in April 2024 . with representatives of Police.
– the Police representative returned a attention at that time, that there is no legal basis for transmitting information from the registry to the application mCitizen and no legislative plans in this area – read on portal RynekZdrowHealth.pl.
A team of experts, who supervise the work on the application mCitizen are ready to implement any new document, in this e.g. the Permit application. permit for weapons, but the following prerequisites must be fulfilled:
- it is justified by business need,
- there are no major limitations legal or technical.
In relation with the state Police, which is the business owner of the process related to implement the permit for weapons, the application mCitizen team focused on other tasks, in this implementation:
- services such as.such as: Company, Safely on the network, Bon energy, Flood Alert
- documents such as: Right to practice the profession of doctor and doctor dentist, legitimation of construction engineer .
The Ministry of Digitization is however open to further work in adding permission for weapons to applications. However the work on this would have to be carried out in cooperation and in coordination with Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration.
Deputy Minister Standerski
also explained that in the case of expressing interest in such cooperation, the first step is to apply for development and provide
a new service (so-called. non-standard service) through platform: wspolpraca.mobywatel.gov.pl. I on based on the submitted application, an appropriate agreement with MinisterofDigitizationwill be concludedandit will be possibletoimplementproductive work.