
It is important, to look at the soil as a livingorganism.

Ważne, by patrzeć na glebę jak na żywy organizm

The Foundation Ground from New was founded by Anna Danylchenko, and the idea, to establish it, was generated from contacts with farmers. His founder noted, that a sizable group of farmers, whom she had not completely understood how the soil works. Spora some farmers look at the soil as a workstation, in which you must provide everything that the plant needs. This is a living organism, which needs to be in harmony, so that it can function well. Having lots of contacts with farmers in west Europe, Anna Danilchenko also noticed that they have a higher level of knowledge about the soil. She therefore decided to act, to promote among farmers changes to improve the state of soil. Because in studies conducted in Poland in the year 2016

it was found that the content of organic matter was at level of only 0.8-1.1 proc.

Experts appeal on NWwR: We have degraded soils. Time to not take care

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Experts appeal at NWwR: We-have degraded soils. Time to not take care

What has been successful to do?

In the initial stage in the year 2021 has successfully established online course under the name Academy Farmer Regenerative. During its trip the different practices of regenerative farming, beginning with its benefits on the farm, and concluding on how the impact of regenerative agriculture on retention and purity of water. This is not very often touched aspects related to regeneration of soil. Then there were other courses, which in total completed about 900 people.

According to me farmers are interested in any practice, which makes sense from the point of seeing the economy, economic and at the same time acts beneficially on the environment. This is not true, that farmers are

beneficial and that counts on the end only the balance of gains and losses -. yes summarizes the

interest of farmers regeneration Anna Danylchenko of Foundation Ground from Nov.

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The current agricultural practices are not successful. The need for regeneration and sustainability

We should learn from each other

Anna Danylchenko emphasizes, that regenerative practices can be implemented in any farm of any size and will be beneficial. In Poland nobody has counted this but in our western neighbors it has been calculated, that if every household implemented, that the savings on the national scale would be 8.5 billion euros per year.

The best

method of learning is to show in practice, how the individual solutions work. Nearly everywhere there are functioning

regeneration farms, after some time farmers from around also start applying some of the practices in their


Impact calcification on economics of farm. Interview with prof. Peter

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Impact apnowania na ekonomika ospodarstwa. Interview with Prof. Peter

It is worth emphasizing, that business is committed to achieving decarbonization goals and maintaining diversity and will encourage farmers, who are in its chain of supplies to implement them on farms. From this title farmers will be able to receive support in transforming their farms bothwhenit comestotrainingandfinancialsupportinthetransition period.

Asstudieshave shown,thenutritional valueofproductsoriginatingfromfarmsusingregenerativepracticesishigherthanthoseoriginatingfromconventionalproduction.Whilenotdestroying,onlyrestoringtheenvironment.


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