
Is there fake honey in Latvia? PVD checks samples, and the trading networks assure that everything is in order

Есть ли фальшивый мед в Латвии? PVD проверяет образцы, а торговые сети уверяют, что все в порядке

In Latvia also are possibly fake honey on the shelves of stores. In November the Ministry of Agriculture (ZM) reported to Delfi, that the Food and Veterinary Service (PVD), National Scientific Institute BIOR and the Ministry plan to conduct additional
analyses of samples of honey to detect falsification. Delfi contacted the PVD to ask about conducting analyses, and also asked the supermarket chains, how responsible they are to
assess honey as compliant with the criteria of a natural product. Almost half, or 46%, of 320 samples of honey imported and tested in 16 EU member states, were not compliant with the criteria of natural honey. In 2024 year a study by the European Professional Association of
Beeeeekeeping, in which analyzed honey, sold in German supermarket chains showed that 80% of the samples did not comply with the “honey directive” criteria. In Latvia in spring 2024 year also was detected a sample of
honeynotcompliantwiththestandard.ThePVD was informed of thisbut theproductwas notrevokedfromthemarket,becausetheEUdoes not havetherelevantlawsandprocedures.

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