The latest survey conducted on a wide panel Ariadna shows, that the majority of Polish people assess their financial situation as average, and positive assessments (36%) exceed negative (21%).
- The worst was in 2017 year – almost 1/3 of People valued their financial situation negatively.
- Today 36% of People valued their situation material positively, and 21% negatively.
- This however is less optimistic results than in 2022 year (then there were 42% positive assessments).
In comparison with 2022 year the percentage of satisfied, and 1/3 of People believe, that their situation has deteriorated, mainly because of inflation (77%) and the increase in gas, gas and electric energy (63%). What more, 26% of us perceive their situation as worse than others. Half of Poles predict no changes in their situation in the next year, but pessimists (31%) predict over optimists (19%).
An analysis of 16 years shows, that the worst was in 2017 year, when almost 1/3 of surveyed valued their financial condition negatively.
Today the situation looks
better, although compared to 2022 year the number of people satisfied with their finances has decreased.
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How People assess their situation financially?
Most People rate their current financial situation at a middle level and more people, who rate their situation more positively (36%) than negatively (21%). However the valuation of the current material situation is clearly worse than in 2022 year, when 42% of People valued their situation material positively, and 20% negatively.
Perception of your material situation is an interesting measure of “financial well-being”, which is affected by many factors, not only what is the financial situation of a person, but also how he perceives himself in relation to the people around and what his attitude to money (e.g. people with high level materialism have often low financial well-being ). Manyresearch shows, that the perception of one’s financial situation, and not necessarily the quantity of money and material goods more influences financial decisions. For example. People who perceive their financial situation as good frequently have more
savings and frequently insure than people, who perceive their situation as bad. What is interesting is this relationship
with objective income is much weaker. – says prof. Dominika Maison.
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Comparing perceptions of his own material situation by Polish people over the last 16 years shows some wavering of this indicator. The worst situation was in 2017 year – then there were most Polish (almost 1/3) negatively evaluating their situation materially. Today fewer People are satisfied with their finances and state of possession, however in comparison with the last measure in 2022 year the number of People satisfied with their finances has decreased.
Another interesting result is the comparison of your own material situation to the situation of other Poles (i.e. relativ situation material). I there shows that decidedly more Poles (26%) believe, that their material situation is worse than the situation of other Poles, than there are such, who perceive their situation as better (13%). The feeling of worse material situation from others have to a greater degree of persons with basic and vocational education (34%) and persons of age 45-54 years (38%).
Beyond the objective material situation (earnings and possessed goods material) and subjective (perception of his situation) we can also talk about relativistic situation material, that is how a person perceives his finances In the relationship to the perception of the situation of other persons in his environment. And it appears that the result of these social comparisons is more negative than the perception of its own material situation. As has been shown by research,Despite that more Poles appreciate their situation positively than negatively, that also more people believe that their situation is
worse than the situation of their family. What interesting is this feeling of “financial inferiority” to other
Poles has increased over the last 3 years (with 17% of Poles valuing in 2022 year
their situation as worse than others, to 26% in 2025 year). Other speaking, increasingly more people have the feeling, that other Poles are better than their self. – says prof. Dominika Maison.
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Who has deteriorated, and who has improved?
Despite that the percent of People valuing their own material situation as bad in principle has not changed since 2022 year, that almost 1/3 of People think, that their material situation has deteriorated and there are more people than those, who believe, that their situation has improved (15%). Half of Polish people on the other handbelieve,thattheirmaterialsituationremainedonthesamelevelincomparisontolastyear.Confidenceaboutdeteriorationofitsownmaterialsituationincomparisonwiththepreviousyearincreaseswithageandamongpeopleover45yearoflifetherearesuchpeople39%(vs.33%inthewholepopulation).Thedeteriorationofmaterialsituationisalsocomplainedbypeoplewithbasicandvocationaleducation(44%),retiredandretirees(41%)andunemployed(59%).