- It is already known that the scale of the irregularities found is quite large. We are talking about over three thousand cases of exceeding the power and over 13 thousand installations in which Tauron detected exceeding the voltage.
- Inspections of micro-installations and energy storage facilities are just one of the tools the company uses to improve the efficiency and flexibility of the network. They complement many other technical, investment and service projects
- The inspectors always inform customers about using a drone to take photos only of the photovoltaic installation. Only later does the drone fly over the roof of the property, photographing the micro-installation.
This year, Tauron Dystrybucja introduced a new technology, i.e. drones, to control photovoltaic micro-installations.
The devices are used only for photographic purposes, and the detection of inspection points is based on measurement data.
Inspections of micro-installations and energy storage facilities are just one of the tools the company uses to improve the efficiency and flexibility of the network. They complement many other technical, investment and service projects – says Marcin Marzyński, vice-president of the management board of Tauron Distribution for Customer Affairs. – Our goal is, above all, to ensure security and equal access to the power grid for all our customers – he adds.
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Tauron informs customers about the use of drones to control photovoltaics
The inspectors always inform customers about using a drone to take photos only of the photovoltaic installation. Only later does the drone fly over the roof of the property, photographing the micro-installation.
Thanks to this innovative technology, micro-installation control becomes more effective and safe. Power workers no longer have to climb ladders or use lifts, which reduces the risk of accidents. Drones allow for accurate documentation of the technical condition of the installation and quick detection of possible problems.
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Last year's Tauron inspections showed that over 50% of photovoltaic installations exceeded the capacity
Inspections carried out last year at six company branches revealed many irregularities. Tauron Dystrybucji inspectors found that in over 50% of cases the power in the checked installations was exceeded.
In 50 cases they also found that the voltage was exceeded. Other irregularities include illegal changes to the measurement and billing systems, i.e. changes to the pre-meter security, and unsealing of the measurement system. Therefore, the inspections carried out this year have been extended to the entire area of the company's operations.
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This year, additional inspections of energy storage facilities
New in this year's inspections of micro-installations are energy storage facilities, which are growing rapidly. Currently, there are over six thousand such devices in the Tauron Dystrybucja network – most of them in Małopolska and Silesia.
The aim of warehouse inspections is primarily to ensure the safety of company employees working on the network. We want to avoid repeated situations in which voltage appears on the network while electricians are working due to the operation of warehouses that do not have appropriate overvoltage protection, says Marcin Marzyński.
Warehouse inspections, due to their pilot nature, will not be preceded by sending letters to customers. They will cover randomly selected owners of energy storage facilities and will constitute 10% of all inspections.
Tauron detected major irregularities in photovoltaic micro-installations
As part of the first stage of the inspection, Tauron Dystrybucja sent letters to customers for whom, based on measurement data, it had previously detected irregularities in the operation of micro-installations.
Tauron then indicated ways to improve the operation of micro-installations. Last year, almost 60 percent took advantage of this opportunity. customers who updated their data in micro-installation reports.
In the second stage, energy specialists check the correctness of micro-installations connected to the Tauron Dystrybucja network in three respects:
- exceedances of installed capacity;
- voltage exceedances while generating electricity;
- introducing energy into the grid without a concluded contract.
This is extremely important because installations with excessive parameters or generating energy contrary to the contract may cause the inverters of other prosumers to be turned off. Moreover, they also pose a threat to all micro-installations and devices powered by a given circuit.
It is already known that the scale of irregularities detected this year alone is quite large. We are talking about over three thousand cases of exceeding the power and over 13,000 installations in which the company detected exceeding the voltage – summarizes Marcin Marzyński.