
Irregularities at German border? Veterinary Inspectorate demands prophecy

Nieprawidłowości na niemieckiej granicy? Inspekcja Weterynaryjna dementuje pogłoski

The materials in question are most likely from last Monday. We can on them see protesting farmers, who in harsh words accuse the Veterinary Inspection of not performing the obligations imposed on its employees to inspect transports of animals entering Poland. Farmers suggest also, that the mounted on the border bio-guard does not work and is only a “dummy” while the total disinfection is performed


the driver self with the assistance of a small handheld sprayer.

The issue was addressed by Joanna Kokot-Ciszewska, veterinarian in Green Gora:

– According to data from Tuesday (28.01), the last transport of living animals through the border in Olszyn happened on 22 January. assuming that the materials came from the day of publication, that is the minute of Monday, it is difficult for transports of animals that should be disinfected. I’ll remind you once more: we do not disinfect means

of transport carrying food products of animal origin.  Our role is inspection and disinfection of live animal -told Joanna Kokot-Ciszewska.

Why cannot close the border with Germany? Chief Veterinarian answers

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Why cannot close the border with Germany? Chief Veterinary Doctor Responses

Lubus Veterinary Doctor of Veterinary referred also to the concerns of protesting farmers, that the gate on the border had no effect and to the cursory assertion that drivers had self disinfect the vehicle with a handheld sprayer:

– If there is an issue of hand disinfection of vehicles this is complete nonsense resulting from lack of knowledge of procedure. It consists in that the vehicle after approaching the gate automatically activates the sensors enabling the operation of the gate. Then the vehicle is disinfected from all sides – up and down by the disinfection solution. The sprayer itself only serves the driver, who at times.The necessity of leaving the cabin should with his help disinfect his hands – explains Joanna Kokot-Ciszewska.

Absurd is also an argument about that the disinfection gate – even powered electrically, is not connected to current.

– Really at the moment of

the film the gate was disconnected from power. Specifics of the passage in Olshina make it so, that for safety

reasons the power supply is connected at the time when the transportation means to be disinfected – said



WielkopolskiefarmerswantclosingtheGermanborder.There isanappealtothePrime Minister



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