
INTERVIEW ⟩ Jurgen Leagues: “Supporters of Kremlin – are those who are fighting withthewindmills”

ИНТЕРВЬЮ ⟩ Юрген Лиги: «Сторонники Кремля – это те, кто сражается с ветряками»

At the general meeting Eesti Energia Minister of Finance Jurgen Ligi in a brief interview Sakala Postimees commented on the protests against wind power plants. “There’s no difference – grafts, power lines, polygons, windmills or something other. Even the “people’s leaders” and parties are always the same. They don’t need to have personal connections with the Kremlin, although spiritual affinity. They don’t even know where they get their ideas from,

League said. Minister of Finance Jurgen

Ligi. Minister of Finance Jurgen Ligi. Photo: Mihkel Maripuu

At a general meeting Eesti Energia Minister of Finance Jurgen Ligi in a brief interview Sakala Postimees commented on the protests against wind power plants. “There’s no difference – grafts, power lines, polygons, windmills or something other. Even the “people’s leaders” and parties are always the same. They don’t need to have personal connections with the Kremlin, although spiritual affinity. They don’t even know where they get their ideas, ”

League said.

– The Government has delegated authority to plan windparks to local governments. There also appeared all kinds of permanent protesters, conducting meetings, including in Viljandimaa. Don’t you think that the so-called “serial protesters” are agents of Kremlin, who are deliberately fracturing Estonian society and obstructing energy security ?

– – Since Windspower plants cause negative emotions at the local level, self-government cannot be ignored. But in they also easily propagate fears and falsehoods, though on the scale of the country people in the majority of themselves understand, that producing more pure energy is the right decision.

The Warriors with windmills are definitely partisans of the Kremlin, in the same degree as all those, who sow doubt and fears about the reasonable order of life, opposing themselves to everything. It doesn’t matter what it is about whether vaccination, electricity lines, polygons, windmills or something other. Even the “people’s leaders” and parties in these cases are always the same and the same.

But for this they don’t need to have any personal connections with the Kremlin – spiritual affinity is enough. They don’t even know where they get their ideas. The Kremlin also has an entire army which in social networks and at rallies turns people against each other. With this they only have the fact that, for example, the question of infrasound from winds takes the beginning not in Russia, but in the innocent Portugal 90s years.

– Energy – is a issue of national security. How can the government manage this process so that helpful or paid idiots can not so easily undermine Estonia’s energy needs ?

– – Unfortunately, only with the help of educating and convincing people. But this is often detached from the malicious activities of the enemies of the state: more often to respond to threats, than to prevent them.

– Already the so-called opponents of the nuclear power plant are raising their heads.They do not explain where they think their electricity should come from, but they always protest loudly. The government has no plan to refer to local governments to decide whether to build a nuclear power station in their territory?

– Planning such facilities is always a delicate question, and people are inherently doubtful. Everyone has the right to want peace in their home. In a free society this should be respected. But it is also required to revise the laws if they allow some serious and unjustified damage. No need to discuss this in the government has not occurred so far.

– See how (paid for?) serious protesters intimidate people and tell them about different issues – whether the pulp pulp plant, Nursipalu, wind turbines, a nuclear power plant or something other. All these facilities for Estonia have strategic importance in security and sustainability. Do you understand why the government allows disinformation, intimidation and division of the community to spread so freely?

– The expectation of the all-powerful government is always misguided. In addition, we need to keep in mind that if the power will go hardly against public opinion, the current deceivers, once they have access to power, they will also act mercilessly and indiscriminately.

The threats have already become clear, and these people are now finding justification for everything even in America. The Biden’s decision to pardon his son has given Trump an opportunity to release his supporters, who were attempting to force the rule of law. This is not the example that they should be referring toEstonia.

Wind turbines have become a tool of political propaganda

Prime Minister Kristen Mihal announced in his social media account, that the primary theme of the upcoming election to local government will be the issue: is it possible to build anything in Estonia in the future? “Tram tracks, industrial facilities, wind or nuclear power. Or or a group of loud activists will protest against everything contracted, and the rest will only silently listen to their conspiracy theories, “, the Prime Minister added.

He noted that “the “infrasound of neo-Luddites” speaking against technical progress is heard far away. “At the most definitely behind this is that the EKRE party, which chairs the EKREIKE coalition, has decided to block all renewable energy projects in Estonia and to prevent their development by any means. Well, let’s have a discussion.

The Prime Minister also stated that he was prepared to accept the call from the opposition. “I and the government will stand for that Estonia doesn’t plunge into darkness and that new productions are created, ” he said.

The Conservative People’s Party Estonia (EKRE) has introduced a legislative project into the government with a suggestion to temporarily suspend the consideration of all plans related to windfarms. The temporary moratorium is expected to last until the methods for measuring infrasound and new allowable levels of its pressure are updated.

“The leadership of the Conservative People’s Party of Estonia approved the followingWe do not support their construction in any part of Estonia. A corresponding instruction is transmitted to all EKRE representatives in thelocalgovernments,


Analogousfightagainstwind farmsis being wagedbytheEstonianNationalistsandConservativesParty(ERK),which has split fromEKRE.Itisorganizingprotestsacrossthecountry.


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