– Business activity in the field of placing plant protection products on the market and packaging is a regulated activity, the conduct of which requires entry in the register and meeting certain legal requirements. Supervision over the correct placing of plant protection products on the market is one of the most important tasks carried out by the State Plant Health and Seed Inspection – according to the Inspection's announcement.
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Pesticides are supposed to evoke bad emotions. Agriculture too. What don't you understand?
Testing samples of collected plant protection products
As reported, in Poland the distribution network of plant protection products is evenly distributed, adapted to the scale of plant production in individual voivodeships and constitutes almost 8,000. actively operating sales points.
– In order to check whether plant protection products are placed on the market in accordance with the conditions, the Inspection carries out approximately 4.5 thousand inspections annually. control. Inspections take place both in places registered by the Inspection in the registers of entrepreneurs carrying out activities in the field of packaging or marketing plant protection products (i.e. in wholesalers, retail outlets, packaging points), as well as in places of production of plant protection products and in places where particularly vulnerable to trade in illegal plant protection products (i.e. marketplaces and online sales portals) – according to PIORiN data.
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Pesticide control
Holders of permits from the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development to place plant protection products on the market or permits for parallel trade in these products are also subject to inspections.
– A particularly important aspect of the inspections is the collection of samples of plant protection products for laboratory tests of their composition and physico-chemical properties. Annually, the Inspection takes approximately 300 – 350 samples of plant protection products to examine the legality and quality of pesticides. What needs to be emphasized is that the collection of samples of plant protection products for laboratory inspection is not random, but based on statistical risk analysis, which directs inspections to detect irregularities – informs PIORiN.
Importantly, specific numbers were also provided. It turns out that in 2023, laboratory control of plant protection products contributed to the elimination from the market of almost 1,335 kg and liters of products with incorrect composition or that did not meet the requirements.
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Which active substances will be withdrawn this year? Some are coming soon!