Group InPost has announced plans investment in Great Britain. By the end of 2029 year the company will spend 1 billion funds on developing the network of packages and infrastructure logistics, creating by creating even 12 000 new places of work.
InPost Group, leader of logistics solutions for the e-commerce in Europe, will invest in Great Britain nearly 600 million funds by 2029 year, increasing total value investment to 1 billion funds. As part of this activity InPost plans to expand the network of Packet devices and expand the logistics infrastructure, which will enable the creation of even 12 000 new jobs. Today President InPost Rafal Brzoska and Prime Minister of Great Britain – Sir Keir Starmer – have planned meeting in Warsaw.
– Our investments are revolutionizing e-commerce for buyers, as and sellers in Greater Britain. Already now this is our fastest developing market, a in response to constantly increasing expectations of consumers we create newer and user friendly solutions in delivery. We are constantly expanding our network and improving quality of services. Only in 2025 year we will increase the number of machines Packet by 50% – said Rafal Brzoska, founder and CEO ofInPost.
By the end of 2024 year, the total value of InPost investments in Greater Britain had already reached 426 million funds. In last year InPost significantly strengthened its position in the UK market, buying the remaining 70% share in Menzies Distribution Limited, which allowed in full control of the logistics process and investment plan in this country. InPost employs today in Great Britain 2 519 people and intends to dynamically increase the number of employees.
In 2024 year, InPost delivered in Great Britain 93.2 million packs, doubling volume of 2023 year. The InPost network in UK operates on average with over 100% capacity, which indicates a significant space to develop the network APM. At end 2024 year the InPost Group in Great Britain had over 13 000 points OOH, a network APM expanded by almost 3 000 reaching 9 200 machines. In this year there will be installed even 5 000 new equipment.
The InPost Group, founded by Rafal Brzoska, is the leader of logistics solutions for the e-commerce in Europe. InPost constantly expands its activity and invests in newer technologies, which improve processes.logistics and improve operational efficiency. At the end 2024 year. Group had over 82 000 points for OOH delivery in Europe, including almost 47 000 devices Packet and 35 000 points PUDO in nine countries (Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Holland, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Great Britain).
In last year InPost launched international shipments, combining eight markets in one network, with plans to expand services to Great Britain. The Group also offers courier services and fulfillment for e-commerce merchants, working with over 100 000 internet merchants. Only in 2024 year the company handled nearly 1.1 billion shipments.
The InPost Group has been involved in activities for sustainable development, a strategy ESG is an integral part of its business strategy. Thanks to the high density network of devices, customers in large cities have on average to the nearest device only 200-300 meters. The carbon footprint of packages delivered to machine packages, compared to courier delivery to home, is lower by even 98% per last mile. Also as one of the first firms in the marketofPoland,InPosthasjoinedtheScienceBasedTargets(SBTi) initiative,aby2040yearit intendstoachieveNETZERO.ForsomeyearsithasalsooperatedtheInPostGreenCity program,EkoReturns,andalsoeducationalactionsorvolunteeremployment.