Piotr Doligalski farms on about 750 hectares, mainly in the IV quality class. At the same time, his farm specializes in dairy production, the herd of cattle numbers almost a thousand heads, and about 300 ha are designated for the feed base. As he himself says, he farms in his own way, uses solutions that work in practice in the conditions of the farm and is a supporter of those that are brilliant in their simplicity.
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Fight horsetail in the stubble field
Several years of experience with strip tillage
Piotr Doligalski started no-till farming on his farm 17 years ago. Initially on a small scale and in a primitive way, however, he soon became convinced of the effectiveness of this technology, and 13 years ago he invested in his own strip tillage unit. It is used for sowing plants with a deep root system, such as beetroot or corn, while in the case of cereals, the farmer believes that the key to success is shallow cultivation, which is why the farm is equipped with several machines adapted to work effectively at a depth of up to several centimetres.
The farmer is not convinced by the broadly understood digital solutions and uses only what he believes gives measurable effects, i.e. navigation, minimizing overlaps and bypasses. The basis for fertilization is composted manure, which provides very good soil richness in nutrients, as well as increasing humus content. Thanks to its use, mineral fertilization is limited only to nitrogen, and in the case of corn – also a small dose of phosphorus.
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Pampa, or the Argentine pukawa
It's important to know your fields
Piotr Doligalski emphasizes that he walks his fields a lot, knows every nook and cranny of them and teaches his son the same. He believes that the key to success is not crop mapping or variable sowing rates, but physical presence in the field and observing with your own eyes the living organism that is the soil. In the yard, attention is drawn to the drainage of rainwater from roofs and maneuvering areas to a shallow pond, where the water is heated and used for spraying.
More in the video below:
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Manure in no-till cultivation and barley sown in November by a farmer from Toruń