Analytics INFOLine found out that in the last five years the cost of materials for repair has increased by 60%. In 2024 year expenditures on apartment repair increased by 12,8%, counting 10 thou. rubles for square meters.
Experts noted that in Moscow index of the cost of repair increased by 14.8%, and in St. Petersburg – by 11.1%.
The most expensive materials are: dry construction mixtures – by 25.9%, plumbing – by 17.6%, and floor coverings – by 13.2%. In St. Petersburg the largest increase in prices is in segments of consumable materials (17.5%) and plumbing (16.7%).
Factors contributing to price growth are the weakening ruble, increase in tariffs for transportation (railroads – by 15%, auto transportation – by 20%) and increase of costs for labor . The launch of labeling of construction materials in 2025 year may also could lead to further increase prices.
INFOLine: 100 biggest retailers of the country will take up to 67% of total turnover
Experts INFOLineformed aratingoftheloyalty programsofthelargest