In last days Internet hits on the topic of Wild Trainer (an influencer who deals with training and supplements for athletes), who on his canal in social media praised the developed by him self nutrient Protein based on the base of serum proteins. In the case there would be nothing controversial – it is logical, that introducing a product into the market its creator must advertise it, a best, if the product has some differentiator, which will make the product better competitive.
In the case of this nutrient the developer of the product has decided to differentiate it by using serum protein derived from milk “strong, healthy and happy alpine cows” (whatever that happiness would be). It is after all nothing bad – everyone has the right to use whatever they feel is the best, a there is no requirement, that in food or nutrients use components from Poland.
Unfortunately further there is only worse. Influencers have conducted an entire discussion on the temporary harm and low quality of milk sourced from conventional farming run on domestic farms. Because of the lack of space we will shorten his statements and extract from their meritum, less
that nobody will accuse us of lying and manipulation we post the whole recording. In quotes we preserve the original spelling.
Festival demagogy
The influencer’s quotes circulate around a familiar motif – food animals “mess”, we keep them “in the mud”, and in this we must load in no kilograms of antibiotics:
The cow is a ruminant and has a digestive system equipped to digest and extract nutritional values from grass. That that cows eat grass, to which they eat and that they do in the natural environment, on meadows, pastures, no that there would be invested in hectares of land. A for what, since it can be kept one side the other in small space, in the mud, in close and instead of grass, begin to feed feed and best feed milk. I mean that, which that animal never in normal conditions has not eaten. But at this time, instead of 8 or 9 liters of milk per day, which we would obtain from such cows under normal conditions, it all of a sudden starts giving us 40 liters of milk per day. Clean business. No do you think? Whether cows fed to syphus, bred on industrial scale, in crowded and dirty conditions, are happy health – we can hear on record.
What is bad about feeding cows fodder (in additional milk) we don’t know. What is wrong with adapting their diet to their food needs, providing with a appropriately high level of lactation? This we also don’t know. But with ease we can there bounce the ball. After all recipients of signature influencer supplements also can nourish only dry bread, potatoes and bite carrots. Why feed their “crap” only for that to achieve better performance or gain muscle mass? Does silage have lower nutritional values and health than green pasture? If yes, then we should depart from consumption of sauerkraut, because this is also syf. Calling “syph” feeds, which have the purpose of improving performance (in this case performance lactation), the author is a hypocrite. Self because advertises a product, which has an analogous action, but that pertains to helping grow muscular mass of humans.
Pastwisel idylla
Another thing is idealizing the pastwisel system at the cost of demonizing breeding. So – pasture has its own values related to the freedom of movement. Nevertheless the author of the post forgets (and probably not knows) that the past is not an idyll. The threat of parasites, the exposure to heat stress in the summer period or the threat from predators doesn’t already represent this genesis in ideal light. A same livestock feeding (without using addition of other feeds) and doesn’t provide animals with food needs, and doesn’t improve productive performance.
What to “keeping cows in mud”: of course there are pathological cases, in which cows actually live in fatal hygienic and environmental conditions. We don’t intend to suppress this. We don’t hide also, that the older tether system has not guaranteed the animals adequate well-being. No may suggest however, that this is now the standard. You can also not get stupid about the fact, that and more often departs from cowing towards the obligation of free-standing, which provide a significantly higher level of goodness. And as experts say, keeping cows in free housing withthe eventual access to the run is the most friendly for cows rearing system. Not at all pasture.
Mythical antibiotics in the nutrition of cows
No and obviously no might be missing the star program – antibiotics. Influencer suggests, that the conditions of keeping and type of feeding force the breeders to massively use antibiotics, which are to get in milk. We are given the reason about the use of these antibiotics (which decides is demonized), it is worth however explaining, that the milk purchased by dairies is tested for the presence of their absence. Confirmation of traces of antibiotic (being the effect of non-compliance with the specified by the producer of the drug period) is tantamount to disqualification of such milk by dairies and goes to trace or disposal.
This is all laik doesn’t need to know. I also don’t know about the supplements of diet or preparation for physical training. with this difference, that I don’t speak on topics, about which I don’t have a green concept.
To do justice, the author of the recording pushes also one important problem – the subject of the quality of milk and its processes coming from other countries. O whether in the European Union there are almost the highest in the world standards of quality food, that is really not till we know, what is entering us from more distant markets. I with this should be at least partially agreed.
War about Bovaer
Another game “under publicity” is the fear of feed Bovair:
W tle we have at this moment a very loud affair on the chemical in milk, that is additive feed BOVAIR. You may suggest on the internet through V. But this is material for a separate film, so this is also will sometime say – we hear in comments.
Unfortunately the author does not state, what concrete doubt he has in mind. You might think that the speech here is about the spread by some environments about the omitted harm of this union for milk consumers. The author does overlook the fact, that the same additive has been known for a long time and is used in nearly 60 countries
of the world. Ignores also the fact, that in the last time such EFSA, as and the British FDA have
unequivocally spoken out, that the active substance of this additive in no way is harmful to animals
and humans. What more – in at all does not be prevented.get to milk. Influencer has also
forgotten that the need to apply this additive – to reduce emissions of methane, in a
direct way resulting from the pressures of climate actors and society on reducing emissions of gases. Sam producers (the more animals) this addition is not for any need.
Read more
Afera o additive Bovaer reducing methane emissions. Dairies take vote
Read more
UE: EFSA positively assessed an feed additive restricting production of methane
Responsibility for words
False accusations about quality and safety of produced in Poland food – yes animal, as and plant food appears a whole mass. They scare us with GMOs, glyphosate, fertilizers, antibiotics and a number of other substances. Where does this state of affairs come from? From one sided inherent perhaps tendency of our society (and perhaps not only our) to see all many conspiracies, fraud and other unfair activities directed at your address. A Internet, how this Internet – gives to the recipient that, what the recipient wanted to hear. No because there is why you have to think on your self because you may have the pap information confirming the recipient in your conceptions. True or not, that already is not important.
O how much however only conspiracy theories proclaimed by ordinary breadwinners do not stick so much in eyes, that already in the mouths of various celebrities.or influencers are taking on new meaning. From two reasons. First from people having great reach to the average breadwinner they expect accountability for their words. From the other side, however they use populism and demagogy to achieve specific goals – popularity, reach or
advertise their products. How many times have we heard tales of mythical hormones or steroids present in meat?
And how many times have we heard the GMO scare ? How many times have we been scared of
preservatives, emulsifiers or other agents? In the effect of creating such papka of information they form two different attitudes – from one side we have a whole group of consumers fearful of everything, from the other such consumers, who look through their fingers at all critical voices about food safety, by which they are not able to recognize real threats, which – let’s not deceive that-exist.
Andthoseinfluencersandtheirlikeareencouragedtocontactoureditors.Ourexpertswithwillpresentthefactualpictureofthe situation.
Theissuewasalso addressedbySublaskaIsbaAgricultural.Intheorganization’spostwereadamongothersL We appealtoinfluencer”WildTrainer”tostop extend untrueinformationandtotake a fairapproachtothe subjectofbreedingcattle andproducingmilk.Pleaseunderstandthattheresponsibilityforthewordinthemedia socialisgreat,anddisinformationcanleadtorealconsequences formanypeople. The fullcontentofthewritingis publishedbelow.SublaskaIsbaAgriculturalcomments