Christmas holidays and winter holidays are the favorite time for families and companies friends. According to data about transactions on the cards of Bank Citadele, the most popular destination for Estonia in this year
was Spain. Airport. Illustrative photo. Photo: Tairo Lutter
Christmas holidays and winter holidays are a favorite time for traveling families and companies friends. According to data about transactions on the Citadele bank cards, the most popular destination for Estonia in this
year was Spain.
Bank Citadele compared the total amount of card payments for the last two weeks of 2024 year and the first two weeks of 2025 year with the same period year ear earlier. Analysis showed that the most people in Estonia spent money in Spain, Finland and Latvia. In 2023 year the primary destinations for spending were France, Finland and Latvia.
“Based on our previous statistics we can say that France and Spain remain popular destinations for the residents of Estonia: in different years one of these becomes more popular than another, but both are stably in the five leaders. Finland, in its own part, is attractive for mountain-skiing holidays, because it is located closer, than the popular resorts in Austria, Slovakia or Italy,” – explained the head retail banking department of Citadele in the Baltic countries Edward Rebane.
Average amount of one payment on a card in Spain at the end of 2024In Finland and Latvia, these figures were lower – 22 and 21 euros respectively. “The size of average costs in Finland is probably influenced by one-day trips, in which expenditures are minimal,” Rebane added.
For Lithuanians in this winter time of year the most spending was in Germany, Poland Spain. Latvians have the most popular destination was Spain, Germany and Lithuania. “Germany and Poland are stably popular among Latvians and Lithuanians, as confirmed by our statistics on card payments. The proximity of these countries, as well as their diverse shopping opportunities, including many outlets, play a key role here, Rebane said. The average amount of one payment for Latvians in Germany was 25 euros, and for Lithuanians was 21 euros.
Although Latvia was one of the most visited destinations by Estonians, Lithuania was only 11th place in the volume of card payments. Latvians, in their turn, visited Estonia more often than Lithuanians: for Latvians it was thesixthpopularwinterdestination,whileforLithuanians-only23rd.