
In what carriage is nit thecheapest?

W jakim nawozie azot jest najtańszy?
  • When purchasing nitrogen fertilizer it is important to pay attention to the price of pure ingredients.
  • Prices in distributions are subject to change, therefore the price of “pure” nitrogen is best check directly before purchasing.

Pure component determines that whether fertilizer is price-beneficial

fertilizer stands in most cases that element of agrotechnology, which stands the largest share in costs of repair. This is why optimization in this segment of costs is not only the price. It is primarily knowledge of the soil, its abundance (as also the N value in the soil) and reactivity, early fertilization etc. It could be long. But finally it is the price that is the factor, which interests us at the purchase itself.

In the case of note the application costs are small. There were seasons, when there were differences between the price of the pure component in one or the other nitrogen carrier were very

large, a in the case of need to grow the are already the amount in

a significant impact on the finances of the farm. 

How do you calculate the price of a pure component in fertilizer?

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How calculate the price of the pure component in fertilizer?

We assume the following prices (from one of distributors in Lower Silesia).

  • saletra ammonium 34% 1700 zł/t;
  • urea (with inhibitor) 2400 zł/t;
  • salter 1500 zł/t
  • RSM 32%

    1550 zł/t

The above prices are indicative, we know perfectly, that the differences between

distributors are sometimes not significant (not necessarily dependent on region, more on size


How convert RSM to liters?

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How translate RSM in liters?

 In such arrangement a kilogram of nitrogen costs inindividual fertilizers:

  • saletra ammonium N = 5 zł/kg
  • urea N = 5.22 zł/kg
  • saletra N = 5,55 zl/kg
  • RSM N = 4.85 zl/kg

Note, that the prices are generally approximate. What is true the differences are noticeable, however at some moments the market situation was decidedly different, and there were significantly greater differences between different products natives .

Azot in RSM the cheapest

Nevertheless from the above calculations it follows, that at with these prices at least costs asot in RSM. It often has been said, that N from salted urea is the cheapest nitrogen and generally is true. Although at some moments N from RSM at all was not cheaper than that from salt or urea. 

With the above price assumptions the nitrogen in urea is from the bottle more expensive than that from salars. However one relatively frequently can not notice some wavering, that is. N in urea is cheaper than that in saletra. Of course we have totally different forms of nitrogen and necessarily this fact should be considered. In salt we pay for two forms – ammonium and nitrate. On the other hand in the case of urea we talk about amide nitrate. So that which fertilizer to choose depends on the technology used. Even if the nitrogen in urea were cheaper than that in saletra, that would be for example. in thaw winter the justification of its use would only occur if it was given with a appropriately large premium. 

In the scenario above the salad is finally the most expensive in conversion per pure component. I there is a situation at times different in reference to the price of an e.g.. in salver. While why notice that we count only pure nitrogen, then salver is also “equipped” usually with additives of type magnesium or calcium. 

Provided 150 kg N/ha by saletra the cost of nitrogen would be 750 £. From the other applying the same quantity in RSM will be to 727.5 zł. The difference is theoretically only 22.5 zł. But already at 10 ha that is over 220 zł, and at 100 ha over 2200 zł.

But that now we are talking about differences theoretically not significant. Thus we already have to

face situations, when the differences between the price of note for example. in RSM a urea

orsalterthatincountingperkilogramisevenmorethanagold.Insucharrangementalreadyonhectarethedifferenceexceededeven100-150£in alone.costofnbsp;


Saletraandsaletrzak.Whatare-theydifferent fromthey



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