Importance of mining for food security
Smith emphasized the importance of mining for food security. One hectare of land can nourish 18 people per year. Ukrainian Institute of Soil Protection is working on that the mined lands not only produce yields, but also meet the highest environmental standards. In order to achieve this goal, they will use newer technologies with support from international partners.
Research with participation of donors
Responsive programs are already being prepared in conjunction with other donors. EBOR has not disclosed the amount of funding, but has indicated that has approved projects for Ukraine with a total value of 2.4 million euro (in 2024 year.
There are only estimated data on the actual scale of land examination in Ukraine.The American think tank Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) estimates,
that even 40 proc. total surface of Ukraine may be examined. That would be about 240 000 kilometers square.
Ukraine getting additional 35 million dollars na rozminowanie fields. Total has
850 million dollars