
In two microregions you can already fer with manure. Whereto be exact?

W dwóch mikroregionach można już nawozić obornikiem. Gdzie dokładnie?
  • The criterion for earlier date of fertilization with nitrogen (i.e. in the period from 1 February to end this month) is determined by IMGW-PIB.
  • A part of agricultural producers may already apply winter asot. 
  • The predicted cooling causes, that not much will change on maps of IMGW-PIB.

Looking today on the maps of IMGW-PIB and checking the criteria of earlier termination of fertilization and you will notice, that in comparison to the day of yesterday has changed nothing in this matter. The counties “lit up” in yellow not happened, which was to be predicted because of the weather, and more specifically the predicted cooling. Unfortunately one has to expect that

in the next days the map will also not change, because this will not be possible by substantially low

temperatures and freezes. 

There is a permit for nitrogen in ozimin.

Applies to selected counties

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There is pozwolenie na azot w oziminach. It applies to selected counties

It’s worth there also reminding, that the one time criteria established by IMGW-PIB is value unrevocable that is. that the color by the end of February will not disappear without regard to the weather. It is the farmer himself decides the date of fertilization based on at least an assessment of field conditions. However, it should be remembered, that exceeding the average day temperature of the threshold of 3°C or 5°C is not the only

condition for earlier application of fertilizers. It is also regulated by the law on fertilizers and fertilization, which states that fertilizers cannot

be applied on soils flooded with water, covered with snow, frozen to depth 30 cm and during fall rain.

In part the country can already apply nit in ozymes. Will wait with carriers or not?

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In part of the country can already apply nitrogen in oziminals. Wait with fertilizers or not?

A what if the farm is located in two counties?

According to IMGW-PIB the threshold of a given temperature is the time, at each day, for 5 following after same day, the average day temperature exceeds the appropriate 3°C or 5°C over 95% of a given county. Hence a county with specific microclimate is more difficult to achieve values. 

Disappointed may feel farmers farming in walled counties, that is in the situation when they legally

cannot carry a lot and farmers from the neighboring county already do. Sometimes farmers also farm in two

counties. What if in one is already permitted and in the other is not there yet? The permit

is determined then that, in which county the farmer has more land. 

How to optimize fertilization in variable weather conditions Tips prof. Sczepaniak

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How to optimize fertilization in variable weather conditions? Tips prof. Sczepaniak

Obornik on the field only in two small enclosures

Looking on the map IMGW-PIB you can however notice two small green spots, testifying that that in those regions has already fallen also the second threshold temperature. Both affect the

Podkarpackie region and the circle of the

cities Krosno and Przemyśl. Oczywiścietopozwoleniedotyczyćbędziebardzoniewielkiejliczbyproducentówrolnychiraczejnieskorzystająoniztakiejmożliwościjednakprawojestprawemioficjalniewedługzasadelastycznegoterminunawożeniaazotemtammożnajużnawozićpodroślinyjare,inthatcanalsocarrymanure. 







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