
In this year we will save more, but not for holidays. In game other expenditures.

W tym roku będziemy więcej oszczędzać, ale nie na wakacje. W grze inne wydatki

As reveals from Provident’s Barometer, 47.5 percent of People with in advance plan more spending on 2025 year – this significantly less than in 2024 year, when this interest was 51.7 percent. In the new year we are not only planning the budget, but also saving more.

The Data Barometer shows, that 45.1 percent of people are reaching to save, to finance the most of the expected their expenditures. The use of savings is the most recommended method of financing, dominating in the responses of every age group, especially respondents of age from 18 to 24 years (57.7 percent.) and among seniors (56.2 proc.). The most costly expenditures are frequently planned to be covered in that male than female (48.8 vs. 41.5 proc.). On the other hand nearly every fourth (24.3 proc.) the respondent finances it from running income.

Some surveyed plan to apply for help to financial institutions – 8.4 proc. will take a credit or loan from a bank, 7.4 proc. intends to make a purchase on installments, a 3.3 proc. will consider borrowing at a loan company.

Only 0.7 proc. will think about using the deferred payment service (so-called. BNPL – buy now, pay later).

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What major expenses are awaiting us in 2025 year?

– The most popular expenditure included in budgets for the future year are not already, like in 2024, holidays but everyday expenditures: bills and purchases. Indicated that something third of respondents. In the second place was the renovation of the apartment or house, which was mentioned by 29.8 percent. of respondents. The holiday trips, indicated by 29.7 percent of persons, found only the third place of the set – adds.

Planned expenditures often differ in dependence on the age of respondents. Every third person at the

age from 18 to 24 years expects expenditures related to, a student from

the group 54-64 years frequently from other prepare to cover the costs of

renovating the home or apartment.

Consumers in time saving buy in a different way

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Consumers in times of savings buy in a different

What will bring 2025 year?

– In the coming year People look quite skeptical. According Provident’s Barometer, over half of respondents do not predict an improvement in their material situation in 2025 years. The for an improved financial situation counts 30.7 percent. persons, when in last year’s edition of the research that had 42 proc. – says Karolina Łuczak. – Optimism is most common among young respondents – as 56.3 percent. of their expectations of increasing the amount on their account – a also males, who at 34.1 percent. positively appreciate their future finances in comparison to 27.5 percent of women. Without doubt it is possible to notice, that predictions on the material situation in the future year motivate People to plan and limit expenditures – adds Luczak.

Among the financial plans, which Poland intends to implement in 2025 , this is the reduction of necessary expenditures is the most popular – declares that 47.1 percent of respondents, about 2 pp. more than a year previously.

As many 29.6 proc. respondents ask for their goals to plan the home budget, a 21.6 proc. want to focus on maintaining the current financial situation.

18 proc. researchers want to seek additional sources of income, while 17.5 percent of persons intend to concentrate on repayment of debt and liabilities. Significantly lower interest (17 proc.) will determine to buy frequently on sales.

Saving is the basis

Already over half of surveyed declare, that in the new year they intend to save more than in the previous year. Where in this time are People looking for savings?

– Saving involves with sacrifices – therefore People plan to reduce or to discontinue some of their expenditures. In this far most often, because as in 42.4 proc, point to eating in the city and to carriage. From this pleasure fewer are willing to women (39 proc. vs. 46 proc. men). In contrast, nearly 30.2 percent of all respondents intend to reduce day expenditures such as. purchases of food – adds Karolina Łuczak, Press Provident Poland.

Other responses in this year’s Provident Barometer are very aligned – 28.7 proc.

declares savings in home (bill, water, current and gas), 28.6 proc. reduces spending on entertainment and culture, including services

streaming, a 28.1 proc. on clothing and footwear. Slightly less (26.9 proc.) fewer budgets for trips and holidays.

Nearly every fifth person will give up a pass for gym or sports activities.

In most industries the index of the economy is falling, consumers are saving and not spending

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In most industries the indicator of the economy is falling, consumers are saving a not spending

Only 30 percent of Polish populations are in decline. People make new-year statements

Despite a stimulus to plan, People are not particular supporters of new-year statements – 68.8 percent. have not made any postulations on 2025 year. As century passes, this trend steadilyincreases,reaching77percent.amongpeopleattheagefrom55to64years,andalsoach82percentageofstudentsfromthegroup65+.

The remainderintheirpoliciesfocusinparticularonhealth(53.6percent),physical fitness(46.3percent)andfinances(40percent.).Changesindietareintendedto39.4percent,a30.9percentofpeople,andtheywantmoreattentiontopersonaldevelopment.


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