
In this year there will be two applications for subsidies to eligibility. Check, which is moreprofitable

W tym roku będą dwa nabory wniosków o dopłaty do kwalifikatu. Sprawdź, który się bardziej opłaca

The editors of asked the resort of agriculture, whether there is a relation, that it is planned to establish a new ecoschem related to the application of the qualifier – that this year will also be conducted for the application for the sowing material, how has been – that in the formula de minimis?

It appears that there will be one and a second

election. It is worth you decide early, which is more profitable!

Surcharges direct, like purchased beads? If such

nice not worth, then what in exchange?

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Subsidies direct, how coupon beads? If

such nice not worth, then what in exchange?

What, how and when?

– Solicitation of applications for addition to exchange Material seeding category elite or qualified will start on 15 March 2025 year, a payment will be allocated to areas of arable land planted or planted with seed categories elite or qualified such species of plant crops, as in the case of subsidies given so far in the aid de minimis – informs editorial resort agriculture.

The payment rate, calculated by IERiGŻ-PIB and defined in the Strategic Plan for Common Agricultural Policy, is in this case for:

  • cereals and their mixtures – 26.74 EUR/ha,
  • stem plants – 43.37 EUR/ha,
  • greens – 112.13 EUR/ha.

– Furthermore, MRMiRW kindly informs, that in accordance with the stance of the European Commission, support to seed material in the ecoschemes should be combined with an other ecoscheme or other agricultural practice beneficial for climate and environment, e.g. intercropped crop or wintered

stresses the resort of agriculture.

Additionally payments will not also be covered by crops for precrop or crop.

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What will be the rates of subsidies to kwalifikat in the new ekoschematu?

De minimis

Warunki udzielania dopłat z tytułu zużytego do siewu lub sadzenia materiału siewnego kategorii elitarny lub kwalifikowany lub ekologicznego materiału siewnego kategorii elitarny lub kwalifikowany o charakterze pomocy de minimis w rolnictwie są określone przepisami ustawy dnia 11 marca 2004 r. on organization of some agricultural markets. 

– Solicitation of applications for granting the above. subsidies conducted by the Agency of Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture will start on 25 May 2025 year. and will last until 10 July 2025 year. – informs editorial MRiRW.

Adds also, that there are no plans to make changes in regulating this area.

– If there are circumstances, which will require amendments in the aforementioned regulations, there will be taken appropriate actions – has been stated in response given

A will be able to use both forms of subsidies?

– MRiRW plans, that the aid de minimis and payment to ecoschem Material seeding categories elite or qualified cannot be combined. This means that if

a farmer would use the ecoschemical Material seed category elite or qualified, cannot apply for subsidies to seed material in the help

de minimis – informs editorial resort agriculture.

Material qualified from de minimis transferred toecoschem.NewsolutionunderfirecriticismfarmersReadmore


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