Minpromtorg prepared amendments to rules for labeling of beer and low-alcohol beverages, approved by government decree of 30.11.2022 # 2173 (with amendments and additions), writes buh.ru.
Tero Vesalainen/Shutterstock/Fotodom
The draft of the relevant government decree published on Single portal for the posting of draft NPAs.
The In Ministry of Industry and Trade said that today the rules don’t provide for refusal to register products, their shipment and entry into circulation by importers in cases of inconsistencies or offenses related to the permitting documents. This leads to finding in circulation products with risks to the life and health of citizens.
In connection with this in regulations it is proposed to add and mechanism of control of the expiration of documents confirming the compliance of beer, drinks, beverages, made on the based beer, and certain species of slightly alcoholic beverages, subject to labeling means, requirements of technical regulations, with taking into account submission of data about identified discrepancies into the labeling and in EGAIS .
In particular, the new propositions provide that from 1 September 2025 year. the applicant will be refused to register beer and low-alcohol beverages in the information system monitoring in cases if:
permit documents, information about which are received from EGAIS, are absent in register of issued certificates of compliance and registered declarations of compliance;
have information about the invalidity of authorization documents received from EGAIS;
characteristics of beer or slow-alcoholic beverages, as specified in authorization document, does not correspond to the characteristics of the goods obtained from or described by the applicant.
In the event of disclosure of non-compliance information about this will be directed by the operator of the labeling system to Also from When working with labeled goods retailers may need to update software support. The cost of such update depends on the supplier software.We remind you that that upgrades oftypicalsolutionsofoneof the mostcommonsystems”1C:Enterprise8″userscangetin the”1C:Service”1C:UpdatePrograms”.Foraccessto updatestheprogrammustbeon officialsupport