The group of companies “Tapas” began reconstruction of the former factory corps and improvement of the territory in the perimeter of Jakuba Kolas – Vera Khoruzhey – Kulman streets. In the place of TC “Passage” will be launched a new TRC “Atmosphere”, writes Onliner. The project is being implemented with the support of the government and the Mingoriyspolkom.
MFC “Atmosphere” will include a complex of buildings totaling about 83 kilometers. sq. m. The project planned to open gastromarket, children’s entertainment center Galaktika, fitness and SPA-center, TRC, park
zone, and also none of several office corps. For visitors will work parking on 731
Investor began to work on the reconstruction of thebuildingoftheformerTC”Passage”.Theareais27,000 square meters.Thisobjectisplannedtobeintroducedintooperationnotat once,butinafewstages.