
In the quarter near Komarovsky market will appear new MFK “Atmosphere”

В квартале возле Комаровского рынка появится новый МФК «Атмосфера»

The group of companies “Tapas” began reconstruction of the former factory corps and improvement of the territory in the perimeter of Jakuba Kolas – Vera Khoruzhey – Kulman streets. In the place of TC “Passage” will be launched a new TRC “Atmosphere”, writes Onliner. The project is being implemented with the support of the government and the Mingoriyspolkom.

 In a quarter near Komarovsky market a new MFC

MFC “Atmosphere” will include a complex of buildings totaling about 83 kilometers. sq. m. The project planned to open gastromarket, children’s entertainment center Galaktika, fitness and SPA-center, TRC, park

zone, and also none of several office corps. For visitors will work parking on 731


 In a quarter near Komarovsky market a new MFC

 In a quarter near Komarovsky market the new

MFC  In a quarter near Komarovsky market a

new MFC  In a quarter near Komarovsky market will appear new MFC

Investor began to work on the reconstruction of thebuildingoftheformerTC”Passage”.Theareais27,000 square meters.Thisobjectisplannedtobeintroducedintooperationnotat once,butinafewstages.


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