The State Duma has received amendments to the law on protection of amendments of consumers (from 07.02.1992 # 2300-1), which propose to prohibit the sale of cups for cans and bottles with alcoholic beverages, writes buh.ru.
Tero Vesalainen/Shutterstock/Fotodom
Deputies of the Duma, prepared the amendments, said that manufacturers are making goods that are directed to conceal and mask some prohibited to consumption by some categories of the population or in certain circumstances of products. In particular it is about covers for cans of beverages.
“Said cups for cans are to conceal the purchased and consumed products, this purpose is specified by sellers and in the description of the description of this product. In addition, these means infringe the rights of consumers, not allowing the full measure of information about the
In connection with this legislation Law # 828990-8 proposes the sale of devices and devices for disguising alcoholic products, non-alcoholic tonic beverages (including including energy drinks), and also other substances and drinks, the sale and consumption of which are regulated by special laws.