- Romanians are already mowing corn for grain and sunflower seeds.
- Will earlier harvests become the norm?
This year everything is happening faster in the fields
This season, everything is accelerated. In our domestic conditions, grain harvests began about 2-3 weeks earlier. The same applies to rapeseed. Of course, this is the result of many factors. However, two of them can be distinguished here. The first is, of course, an exceptionally dynamic spring, or rather its start in February, a very short period of "real" winter, and at the same time a long autumn, which caused, for example, rapeseed at the end of autumn to be as developed as in early spring. Unfortunately, the drought that has devastated many regions of the country is also of significance.
It is worth noting that for the first time in history, rapeseed in Poland began to flower at about the same time as in Romania. We are talking about the southern regions. In Lower Silesia and Opole Province, flowering began at the end of March. Later, however, flowering lasted a long time in Poland and the subsequent phases were not overcome by rapeseed at such a fast pace. Suffice it to say that despite the fact that this phase began at about the same time, in Romania the rapeseed harvest began about 3 weeks earlier than in the southern regions of Poland.
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Corn and sunflower harvests are already underway in Romania
We are currently observing an unprecedented situation. In mid-August, Romania began harvesting corn for grain. This is primarily the result of a powerful heat wave that devoured crops in June, July, and so far in August. Temperatures have even reached 40 ºC.
Harvest is brought forward by about 3 weeks for both sunflowers and corn.
The situation is particularly difficult in the southern regions of Romania. There are regions where more than 60 percent of sunflower and corn crops have been affected by drought. In some plantations, it is literally pointless to drive a combine harvester into them.
Crop losses on some plantations – in the case of sunflower and maize – can reach up to 90 percent.
In the Galati area, there has been no rain for three months. The situation is dramatic – in some fields, corn or sunflowers have not seen a drop of water throughout the entire vegetation period.
The Romanian government has announced compensation for lost crops – from 200 to 250 euros per hectare of damaged crops. However, it is known that such amounts are not able to compensate for the damage to plantations that suffered the most from drought. The total funds allocated for aid are to reach 600 million euros, the government has also announced that it will seek aid from the European Commission.
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Will the harvest come sooner every year?
Will the harvest in Europe start earlier? It is possible, although it is difficult to draw far-reaching conclusions based on one year that this will be the standard. This year, vegetation, not only in Poland, proceeded differently from what we have observed in the past many years. However, based on one year, it is not possible to state that we will have new harvest dates. What is important, however, is that in general, compared to, for example, the 1990s, we already have a certain shift in the beginning of the harvest. These usually start earlier than 20-30 years ago. However, this year's situation differs significantly from the past many years.
As for the corn harvest in Poland, it will most likely be significantly extended in time. The situation on plantations varies. In some locations, the situation is more difficult and farmers are already signaling that the yield will be low. However, there are also regions where plantations promise a good yield. The corn harvest for grain in Poland will probably begin in the first half of September – in the areas most affected by drought. However, it will probably last in many locations even until November or December, as was the case in previous years.
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