Some have already had the opportunity to make the lot. Wait, go?
1 February is already for some seasons a date on which we look with particular attention. However this may be the first possible date in which there appears the possibility of seeding nutrients, especially in the winter rape. Remind, that the use of fertilizers from the first to last day of February is possible if – in the case of plants seeded in autumn, permanent and perennial crops and green crops – the average temperature daily exceeds 3 ºC. For other crops the average temperature should exceed 5 ºC. IMGW daily in February
issues a communiqué concerning these temperatures and the only possibility of generating at an “earlier” time.
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There is a permit na azot w oziminy. Applies to selected
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Saletrosan, saletra or urea? Each form of nitrogen works at different time
Today we have already first permits for application. The opportunities to apply for azot in ozimin have appeared in most counties of Podkarpackie and Lublin provinces. Threshold 3 ºC has been exceeded also in the whole of Lubus province and in a significant part of counties of Wielkopolska province (primarily all in western Wielkopolska), in some counties in Dolnośląskie, Kujawsko – Pomorskie, Pomorskie and Western Pomorskie. On the map below prepared by IMGW has marked the counties in which may already be adopted and ozimin (i.e. the threshold has been exceeded 3ºC).
And if we have agreed then should they be waiting for then wait? After all it is just starting February. Frequently we hear, to not let you get crazy, because winter can return in any moment, there is more than a month of winter. Of course that is still that you need to consider the possibility of lower temperatures. and yes for example. in the neighborhood of Wroclaw in the next few days the temperature in a day is not to exceed 3
– 5 ºC, a at night the predicted temperatures are negative. Similarly will be in the
Lubuskie Province, where all counties are already covered by permitting the application of nitrogen in ozymes.
Identical situation also in eastern – Subcarpathia and Lubelszczyzna, where also in the in the incidence of most counties threshold 3 ºC has been exceeded.
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Barley in spring requires activity earlier than the other winter
A small dose of nitrogen should be administered even earlier
Generally under attention we must take a few key factors. There is with certainty the necessity of applying note for example. in winter beans, especially those seeded in time. There still we have despite all the time. What other wheat sown very late, e.g.? in November or even December – such planting will require a large dose of nitrogen for growth. There will be to add more nitrogen reasonably early. But that in such situation we are talking about development, stimulation of the plant.
On the other hand in the case of winter thistle let’s notice that in the last two weeks the conditions in many regions have favored the resurgence of vegetation. Maybe not intensive yet, but however. It is worth in such crop using even a small dose of nitrogen, which would protect plants from deficiency of this component. With certainty the risky action would be in that moment to administer high doses of nitrogen. However, it is possible to approach the application N in this way, that in the first dose we would administer in this time only 30 – 40 proc. the total dose N.Even giving number of 50 kg N will protect in that moment the plant from starvation.
Another issue is the form of nitrogen we want to give. If field conditions permit, and at that we want to apply urea, that is not worth looking at. The amide form needs time, especially in the case of lower temperatures. It will not be dangerous for plants in the case of lower temperatures in the next days. Nevertheless same amide form will not protect the food needs for starting, therefore it is worth using even small doses of asotane and ammonium form. Yes therefore adding a low dose of start N in form for example. saletrosan, saletra ammonium or saletrzak – there where application in ozymes can already have been done – is as most recommended. Note there are some differences between these fertilizers. And such as in saletrose
we have more ammonium form than nitrate. A ammonium form does not act as
fast as nitrate – is taken slower, but acts in a longer time.
It is also less mobileanddoesnoteventuallyexhaustsuchasthenitrate form,whichthisactsfaster,butalsoandshorter.Fromthebothformsarepracticallythesameandnbsp;