According to the latest data of the Restructuring Agency and Modernization of Agriculture, on day 31 January b. there were held in Poland 8 076 stocks of cattle. Fact this means, that in a space month we lost over 330 thousand animals. This means that in a month we lost
over 3.6 perc.
held in our country animals.
At the end of January 2024 year the pig stock in Poland was 8 989 274 pigs, that is over 130 thousand pigs more. It is worth adding, that the current pig heading is not the lowest in history. The historical minimum to date was established in March of last year, when that pig count in Poland was 8 706 459 animals. Unfortunately the current situation in the market – low prices of trailers and fear of flu does encourage
breeders to increase
the scale of production, it may therefore become that
in the next months the crop will be lower than today.
We have lost over 300 stad hogs
The there is also an alarming trend of reduction of farms involving keeping hogs. From month to month the establishment is another historical minimum. Today the value is 47501, by 309 less than at the end of December and as by 3551 less than at the end of January 2024 year.
Averaged the stock of pigs established on the basis in. in data had been on the end of January 186. It was slightly lower than at end of December, when this statistical herd counted
192 animals.
according to published last week data from the Central
Statistical Office, an day
of 1 December of the last year in Poland there were 9 078 250 parts of water, by 7.1
percent. less than in the analogous period 2024 year.