Individuals and legal persons want to restrict the opportunity to immediately resell vehicles bought over the border within 10 years of age. The restriction is also now, but it is extended to cars not older than 5 years, the LSM+ portal wrote.According to the Ministry of Finance, this will help reduce the shadow economy. The Government supported the legislative bill.Under the Law on the Highway Communications now with transactions with a light or truck no older than five years, If that is bought in an other EU country and is registered in Latvia, this practice applies. When it is registered by the Safety Directorate of Traffic (DBSDD, CSDD) transmits the information about the vehicle to the State Revenue Service (SRS) and simultaneously registers the prohibition for exclusion. For legal individuals the prohibition is valid for
15 days, for individuals – 30. If in this time the SGD does not initiate any special activities, the prohibition
is automatically removed. Now the Ministry of Finance has proposed
(andreceivedtheapprovalofthegovernment)toextendthisnormandtovehiclesnotolderthan10years.LSMremembers that thefirstsuchrestrictionswereintroducedtwoyearsago.