
In “grocery” paper is chasing plastic. This is how People package their purchases.

W „spożywce” papier goni plastik. Tak Polacy pakują swoje zakupy

The results of the PAYBACK Opinion Poll survey show, that the choice of organic and plastic packaging, is driven primarily by economics. Nearly 65% of Polans indicated, that their decision is influenced by the price of the product.

According to Eurostat’s report, each inhabitant in 2021 generated an average 36.1 kg of packaging waste from plastics, a from 2010 . their quantity in per capita increased by about 29%.

PAYBACK Poland reviewed, how frequently we used such packaging on occasions of shopping before Christmas Christmas. During the grocery shopping in this period were declared by as 93% of respondents, a 73% of surveyed were using online shopping.

Three types of packaging dominate

As showed results of PAYBACK survey, among materials, of which were made for pre-Christmas purchases of foods, the most frequently replaced by People were: plastic, paper and foil.

On what People would choose, if they have to choose the same product in organic packaging (e.g. paper or glass) and in plastic?

  • Nearly 36% of survey respondents declared, that they would choose packaging from environmental plastic, 
  • Slightly over 3% would choose plastic,
  • Nearly 60% would not want to make a one-sided declaration.

When considering choosing organic and plastic packaging, we are guided first by economics. Nearly 65% of Polanders indicated, that the decision on the choice of a specific type of packaging is influenced by the price of product. In second place we place the portability of the packaging itself, its practicality and convenience. Attested yes over 37% of respondents. Nearly 30% stated, that the choice depends on the availability of organic packaging at a store.

Poland does very well with recycling of packaging of food products. More than 90% of surveyed stated, that they try to keep and use in other purposes. The second life we most often give to jars, using them for processing and packaging, which serve us as containers for other food products or things of domestic use.

People were also questioned about the opinion on. the number of used by their self and are in this area to their self quite critical.

46% of surveyed said, that there are too too many, and over 40% responded, that there are an appropriate quantity of them.

On the internet we are looking for EKO

On the track.survey PAYBACK, Polans were also asked about their pre-Christmas purchases on the internet. More than 53% of respondents confessed, that some of thepackagestheyorderedwereorganicallypackaged,and20%purchasedonlyproductspackagedinthatway.Nearly64%ofrespondentsdeclarerepeateduseofpackagesfrominternetpackagestopackageotherpackages.Not17%ofrespondentsresponded,thatdoesnotusetheirpackagesinanyway.

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