
In Europe unemployment has increased, while in our country it has decreased (

Europoje bedarbystė padidėjo, o mūsų šalyje sumažėjo (

According to the latest Eurostat data, the unemployment rate in our country has decreased, while in the euro zone it has risen in the Europe Union.

In Lithuania unemployment dropped from 6 during the year .9 to 6.5 percent, when before the year it was seven percent.

In the European Union this indicator rose from 5.8 to 5.9 percent, while in the euro zone from 6.2 to 6.3 percent (pending when not reported), when in 2023 the years was six percent in the and 6.5 percent.

Among Union countries, according to Eurostat information, the lowest unemployment and the furthest is recorded in the Czech Republic (2.6 percent) and Poland and Malta, which accounts for the three percent.

Then the highest rateofdisasterinalldecadesinthefamilies,etc..Spain,wherethepercentageis10.6andGreece,wherethepercentageis9.4.

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