According to the European Union Department of Statistics and Eurostat released today there is no change in our country and in the Old Continent in the United Continent in the Union unless there the population indication has not changed.
In November in the euro zone it reached 6.3 percent, in the European Union – 5.9 percent, while in Lithuania it was 6.9 percent. Before the years the in all the three years the unemployment was higher and reached the 6.5, 6.1 and 7.2 percent.
Among the countries of the Union the double-digit and the most high underemployment and the longest
remains in Spain,
where it amounts 11.The lowest minimum rate of growth was found in Czech Republic (2.8 percent) as well as in Malta and neighboring Poland, where they accounted for three percent.
About youth poverty, it has increased in our country from 18.5 to 18.6 percent (before year – 16.3 percent), in the euro zone the did not increase and reached fifteen percent (before year – 14.6 percent), while also in the European Union has risen from 15.2 to 15.3 percent(beforeyear-14.8percent).
According toEurostatdata,thelargestunderemploymentamong thecountries oftheUnionwasinSpain(26.6percent)andSweden(24.4percent),withtheleastinGermany(6.4percent)andtheNetherlands(8.7percent).