
In December we purchased more in e-stores, but the value ofordersdeclined.

W grudniu kupliśmy w e-sklepach więcej, ale wartość zamówień spadła

In December 2024 year.The value BaseLinker Index – indicator measuring complex condition of Poland e-commerce – was 155 points (the output value, of January 2022 year was 100 points). Before the month reading was 154 points, a year this 140 points.

Analysis of index data, based on aggregated results 3 tys.  e-commerce in Poland, shows, that their sales on the internet in December 2024 year. was higher than that before the year by 10.8 percent. This result consists of 8.3 percent. increase in the number of orders (y/y) and increase in the average value of orders to 183.3 zl (+2.3 proc. y/y).

December 2024 in e-commerce 

In relation to November 2024 year. December read BaseLinker Index is high with increase in sales by 0.9 percent. This consists of an increase in orders by 4.7 percent, with a decrease in the average value of orders by 3.6 percent.

domestic sales year increased by 10.2 percent, while cross-border sales in the same period increased by 13.8 percent, and its share in the sales of Polish vendors was 17.3 percent (slightly more than before the year, slightly less than in November br.).

The largest growths year showed in the categories: “supermarket”, “health and beauty” and “home and garden”.

Analysts platform BaseLinker – system for management and automation online sales – have developed the latest read BaseLinker Index. In December 2024 year, the indicator of Poland’s e-commerce had reached 155 points. This Index is based on data about sales conducted by 3 thousand. companies trade through the platform BaseLinker, accounting for a significant part of the turnover of Polish e-commerce. Base value – at the level of 100 points, being the point of reference to readings of the index in consecutive months, has been established on base of data about Sales of January 2022 year. The latest BaseLinker Index is higher than the previous month (in November 2024 year, it on 154 points). 

From analyzed and aggregated in BaseLinker Index data it follows, that in December 2024 year. (counting year) firms included in the index increased sales by 10.8 percent, increasing in that period the number of transactions by 8.3 percent. the average value of their basket increased by 2.3 percent (y/y.) and reached 183.3 zl. 

Success of Polish sellers in trade border

– December was a good month for thePolish sellers e-commerce, who recorded 10.8 percent increase in sales in year. This increase is not only more orders, but and increased value of the basket. It is worth noting particular attention to the success of Polish sellers in border trade, which has increased by 13.8 percent. This is due to the increasing popularity and availability of their products among others. on platforms marketplace enabling sales both in Poland abroad, from which customers are willing to use, hunting on promotions Cyber Monday or doing the last pre-Christmas shopping – comments Lukasz Juśkiewicz, Head of Strategy in BaseLinker. – Categories, which in December accounted for the biggest growths, were “supermarket,” “health and beauty” and “home and garden.”

– BaseLinker Index results for December 2024 . show the dynamic growth of Poland e-commerce, a especially impressive, 13.8 proc. growth of cross-border sales. This is confirmed by our observations on eBay, where Polish sellers are increasingly entering the global market, reaching millions of buyers. Good performance in categories such as “health and beauty.” “auto parts ” or “home and garden” testify to the diversity and competitiveness of the Polish offer on the international arena. The tools and support, which eBayoffersinthebordertrade,incombinedwiththeentrepreneurshipofPolishcompanies,theyforman effectivetandemforthispromisinggrowth.OurgoalistosupportPolishretailersinfurtherdevelopingglobalreachandexploitingcontinuousgrowthe-commerceacrosstheworld- saysLornaDunne,HeadofInternationalSalesforSellersEU,eBay.

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