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70 proc. stad cattle in California have been affected by flu birds. This is the state with the largest production of milk in the United States.
- Also the transmission of flu birds to about 70 people. One of their illness had a severe course.
- Because of this there is a growing risk, that the virus H5N1 will mutate and start spreading between people. Experts are
before a potential pandemic.
Seven few farms in California have been affected with the flu pandemic. The case was reported by portal Independent.
Nearly 700 stad in the state – that is 71 proc. all stad – have been infected with H5N1 virus since end of August, which forced Governor Gavin Newsom to declare a state of exception, and the government to announce new tests for the disease.
During when California, the state with the largest producing milk in the country, has the most infections in milkfarms, more infections have been reported
in Michigan, and the number of confirmed cases in people has approached 70
– reported Independent.
Read more First death of cause of bird flu. Not known, when the disease will have a serious course
First severe case of bird flu in humans
Last week Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Center for Control and Disease Prevention ) reported, that the virus probably mutated in a patient from Louisiana. Unfortunately the course of the disease was defined in him as “severe”, and the patient died.
It is worth noting this however, that he suffered from the disease.comorbidities.
Experts are concerned as reported Independent – that H5N1 will mutate into a strain, which will be capable of transmitting from human to human. Till what however has not been established this type of transmission.
Flu birds in humans also have in most cases a benign course.
Only one mutation
A study from December published in the journal Science showed, that a strain of virus found in milk cows in the US may need only one mutation, to be distributed to people – noted the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA – American Veterinary Association ) in a report.
The longer this virus circulates uncontrolled, the more likely that there will be mutations necessary to cause a pandemic. We must act urgently, to prevent such a scenario
– said dr Les Sims, in a statement released by the organization, quoted by Independent.
Flu birds have also been detected in pigs, birds and cats from the west coast of the States United States, who drink raw milk and eat fed from farms for animals.
According to officials for ds. agriculture since 2021 the focus of disease has been detected in all 50 states. Infection with ptasia in poultry has caused an increase in the price of eggs.
The Department of Agriculture is testing vaccines for poultry and cattle milk. Vaccination may however hinder differentiation of vaccinated animals from those naturally infected. Despite this Sims claims that the virus “fundamentally changed the way we must think about the management of the flu birds.”
We must act now, to protect the health of animals, protect our food systems and prevent a potential pandemic
– stated.
Bird influenza is also attacking in Poland
Unfortunately our country is also not free from
bird flu . Although no cases of transmission have been confirmed. to milk cattle, this risk still remains. Virus because it easily mutates and transmits with fowl wandering.
In November 2024 year fires were established in Poland 14 fires
of bird flu in poultry and 16
fires of disease in birds wild.
Read more Fowl flu attacks cats – are humans next?
What is flu birds?
Flu of birds is a viral disease, caused by viruses of Highly Disease . Highly Patogenic Avian Influenza – HPAI) and viruses of low virulence ( Low Patogenic Avian Influenza). Commonly called is the pathogenic flu.
It is a disease affecting most all birds. It causes huge losses in the rearing of poultry almost over the world. In Poland it is a disease fighted fromoffice.
Thebirdinfluenzavirushas crossedthe so-calledspecies barrierbetweenbirdsandsuckers.In2024it wasestablishedsometimesamongcattlebreedinganddomesticcats.
- Independent-
Morethan70percentofCalifornia’sdairycowherdsareinfectedwithbirdflu.Here’swhattoknow - GeneralInspectorateVeterinary-
Of flubirds