
In Belarus An Competition “Artificial Intelligence in Doing Business”, in which the agencies and companies canparticipateagenciesandcompanies

В Беларуси объявлен конкурс «Искусственный интеллект в деле», в котором могут принять участие агентства и компании

Hosting provider has established a special nomination in the framework of the Binet Rating – “Artificial Intelligence in the Business”, to recognize companies and agencies, that use artificial intelligence technologies to solve complex tasks, improve the user experience and implement innovation.

Who can participate?”

Nomination open for companies investing I&I in client or in-house projects:

    • Digital marketing Agencies.
    • Web developers.
    • SEO- and SMM-agencies.
    • Companies that implement Industry Solutions inhouse.

    The projects for this nomination can be submitted as participants of “Rating Binet” 2025 year, as and other agencies and companies.

    What projects are we looking for?”

    We are seeking examples of implementation of technologies III, which:

      • Improve the user experience (personalization, recommendations).
      • Automate processes and increase efficiency.
      • Create new opportunities for business and the community.
      • Demonstrate an innovative approach to using artificial intelligence.

      What criteria will the jury be evaluating projects?

        • Innovativeness. How the project is unique and uses unconventional approaches.
        • Results. Measurable effect of implementing I&I (increased conversions, reduced costs, improved engagement).
        • Impact on customers. How the technology improves the experience of end users.
        • Promising. Potential for future development of the project.

        Why should we participate?”


        • Recognition. Demonstrate your expertise and stand out among competitors.
        • Expert Assessment. Get feedback from experts.
        • Promo. The best projects will get the opportunity to publish in the blog and on the site
        • Price. The winner will get a year of free hosting and other exclusive gifts.

        How to apply ?

        For participation in the nomination you need to prepare a structured presentation that discloses the use of artificial intelligence technologies in their work – on your own or client projects.

        Technical requirements to presentation

        • Presentation should be clear, informative and easily understandable.
        • Format: PDF or PowerPoint (.ppt/.pptx).
        • Volume: No more than 15 slides per main part
        • Additional materials in appendices (e.g., videos) are allowed.
        • File name: [Name [Name of agency]_II_in_the_Deal.pdf

        Download template presentation

        Terms and conditions

        Presentation or link to the presentation must be sent by 10 March 2025 year inclusively to address [email protected].

        The winners will be determined in April 2025 year and awarded at the Agreement Results and Awards of the Binet Rankings.

        Detailed Criteria for evaluation of projects in the “Artificial Intelligence in the Deed”

        For objective selection of winners projects will be evaluated by the following criteria:

        1. Innovativeness (up to 25 points)

        • The use of new or or originalSolutions in application of the technologies I.
        • Implementation of nonstandard approaches that separate the project from analogues.
        • Level of complexity of technology: using in-house development or adapting complex off-the-shelf solutions.

        2. Results and impact (up to 25 points)

          • Measurable results: increased efficiency, increased sales, improved user experience.
          • Qualitative changes: e.g., reduced time to process data, increased accuracy of decisions.
          • Scale impact: how much the solution affects customers and business.

          Example: implementation of a chat bot, which increased conversion by 30%.

          3. User Experience (up to 20 points)

          • Improved interaction of end users with products or services.
          • Usability and intuitiveness of solutions for end users.
          • Accessibility: how easily the solution is adapted to different groups of clients.

          Example: A application with I-assistant, which personalizes the interface to the preferences of the user.

          4. Automation of processes (up to 15 points)

          • The extent to which the automation of tasks that were previously performed manually.
          • Reduction of human factor and errors by the technology II.
          • The impact of automation on operational costs and time to perform tasks.

          Example: a system that automatically classifies and distributes incoming requests to clients.

          5. Scalability and prospects (up to 10 points)

            • Possibilities of expanding the solution: can it be applied in other projects or industries.
            • Potential for development of the technologyin the future.
            • Readiness to scale the implementation to more clients or processes.

            Example: analytical platform based IIA, which can be adapted to different industries.

            6. Presentation and presentation of material (up to 5 points)

              • Clearness and clarity of presentation of information.
              • Quality of visual materials:graphics,diagrams,screenshots,videos.
              • Logicandstructureofthepresentation:howeasytoevaluatethepresenteddata.


              Totalpoint:up to100points


                • Feedbackofclients(up to5bonuspoints):Presence ofpositivefeedbackfromclientsabouttheimplementationofII.
                • Socialimpact(up to5bonuspoints):solution thathelpsthecommunity(e.g., projectsinmedicine,environment, oreducation).


                Totalpoint=Sum ofpointsforcorecriteria+bonuspoints.

                The project with the highest number of points will be the winner.

                The project with the highest number of points will be the winner.

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