It will be possible to gain even a few hundred gold more to pension and pension. In 2025 year according to the project law of the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy it will be possible to recalculate by ZUS the pensions and family pensions
awarded in June in the years 2009-2019.
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New 6110 zl for salesman and 5960 zl for
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In 2025 year they will convert to new pensions and rents
according to the project law of Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy it will be possible to recalculate by ZUS the pension and family annuities awarded in June in the years 2009-2019.
Persons, who submitted in those years application for retirement in June, would receive a lower benefit, than if they had applied with such application, for example. in May.
In the case of determining the amount of pensions in June the current regulations did not provide for additional quarterly, and only annually. As a result retirees, who took retirement in June, could have the benefit by even something lot lower. This problem has been attention among others.among others the Constitutional Tribunal.
As reads in the list of government work, currently the resort of family is working on regulation, which introduces such possibility. In government information it was reported, that the newly established benefit “would be subsequently validated on
the rules, that would apply after the date of granting pension or family pension .”
An application
for replacement of benefits will be able to apply within 6 months from the day
of entry into the law.
French gigant wills in Poland. “Humiliated workers” Pension or family pension in new amount would come from month of application. According to ZUS data, the new regulation could benefit nearly 100 thousand people. The draft law will also propose a new method for calculation of quarterly indicators for valorization of contributions in account and initial capital . It has been proposed, thatthelawwouldenterinto1June2025year.
New regulations will come in to life on 1 June 2025