Support investment producers of pigs
As informed earlier the Ministry of Agriculture and Development of Village are taking action, to provide additional measures, among others. for investment in farms involved in breeding of hogs. The main goal remains the rebuilding of domestic hog
heads and support investment of this type of farms.
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The Ministry of Agriculture and Development of Village signed with Bank National (BGK that is. the entity implementing the financing instrument ) annex to the agreement in the preferential support dedicated to cattle breeders, under intervention I 10.1.2. “Investment in agricultural farms increasing competitiveness – Instruments financial”.
In the FGR Plus framework designs preferential support targeted to pig producers, whose goal is to rebuild hog heads in Poland.
Preferential credits for pigs
Will be based on cooperative banks (which will sign agreement with BGK) preferential credits designed for expansion, extension and modernization of pighouses, including electrical and water and sewage installation (works construction and purchase of construction materials) and equipment of pighouses.
What is the support?
- securing with FGR Plus guarantee repaying up to 80% of the loan amount;
- repayment of interest for the farmer for the first 4 years (for the first 2 years – 100% of interest, for the following 2 years – 50% of interest).
Conditions preferential loans with FGR Plus:
maximum value guarantee is 9 million £ (upper amount credit is not specified);
maximum period of loan coverage to 15 years;
guarantee provided free of charge. The introduction in credit banks offering a credit with guarantee FGR Plus and a grant for interest payment to
producers of cattle is planned to be on.beginning 2025 year.
The Program will be implemented through credit banks, a list of banks is available
under the link.
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spatial planning? .