High rates, tight regulation by Bank of Russia and rising prices for cars will seriously affect the demand for car loans in 2025 year. The current estimates of VTB, common market issues may fall below 2 trillion rubles, decreasing no less than by 20% by last year. Ob this said deputy president – chairman of the department of BTB George Gorshkov.
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Demand for auto loans began to sharply decline from the fourth quarter of last year. Then common market sales decreased by 44% by compared with three previous months – to 398 billion rubles.
In 2025 year the segment will continue to be pressured by high market rates and macroprudential surcharges. In addition to demand are influenced by macroprudential limits, the introduction of mandatory documentary confirmation of the income of the potential borrower with “check” more than 1 million rubles, the increase in prices for In the current conditions the portrait of the auto borrower will change. B basically, loans for the purchase of cars will be approved by those who approach the conditions of the program, as well as Russians ;also Russians with stable high income and low debt burden. With this individuals will become more frequent to bring automobiles from abroad From the country manufacturers’ viewpoint the dominant positions in the market will still be occupied by Russian and Chinese brands. With this new tariff policy on scrappage will strengthen positions of markets with high stage of localization of production. “After a brief pause the market of auto lending is “hitting the brakes” again. Till the situation is not normalized, Russians will postpone the purchase of a car, preferring to exploit the already existing or to save for new with the deposits. The incentives to change autos, besides emergency cases, will be goodsupportand attractiveconditionsofmakersfor individualbrands.In theseconditionsthecompetitionin themarketwillseriouslyincrease -first of all,for qualityborrowers,asthebankswillfocuson efficiencyofthecreditportfolio,not itsvolume”, -saidGeorgeGorshkov.