Changes in the energy mix in 2024 year
As reports Portal Self-owned, referring to the Draft Forum Energy, in last year in Poland the share of coal in the energy mix was extremely low, but renewable sources of energy accounted for 29.6 percent. production of energy electricity, with in structure power installed RES dominating photovoltaics.
The growing role of photovoltaics in RES
Among major resources of renewable energy in our country the most popular is photovoltaics. With the end of last year the installed power was
about 20 GW, which gives over 62 proc. powers all RES.
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The President signed an amendment to the market
A new obligation for generators of current m.among others from photovoltaics
In January 2025 year. it went into validity for generators signing contracts for the sale of energy with end-consumers . From now they have their obligation to report to the Office of Regulation Energy. As requests attention to the office, the obligation to report their contracts to the regulator, which means URE, results from the amendment of the law on renewable energy sources of 2023 year. Then to art. 5 of the Energy Law added a new paragraph 11a.
on generators of energy from renewable sources (among others. from photovoltaics) imposed a obligation to send to the President URE the contracts for sale of electric energy with final customers at the month of the date of conclusion of the contract in question -. read on the website URE.
Are you owning home photovoltaics? This obligation does not apply
A very important issue, which should be emphasized, is the fact, that introduced in January the obligation does not apply to ordinary prosumers, that is, owners of domestic photovoltaics, only enterprises that have a concession of the President URE for economic activity in the generation of electric energy from RES. This affects this including farms of photovoltaic. As explains URE, a company of generation is obligated to submit areport recognizes the company being party to the contract – not the company acting on behalf or on the company being party to the contract.
New form in the issue of RES. See, where should go
From 17 January 2025 year. manufacturers should report their contracts using for this purpose a special form URE PPA 01. Reporting on an other form will require correction. The correct form in Excel and PDF
forms should be sent:
- to address: [email protected],
- with electronic signature to the application box platform ePUAP: /URE/ESP box,
- to address to e-delivery: AE:PL-25259-52521-UECUJ-18.
– The form is
now the only binding and developers are obligated to apply it. Reporting on an other form will require correction. Please remember, to complete the
form only with information oncontractssignedwithfinalcustomers-reminds ERO.
Source:PortalSamorządowy,opinionatedHK .