The network “Pyatyorochka” recorded growth of number franchise stores by 53% (up to 487) by results 2024 year. The number of new partners of the network increased for a year almost threefold.
Source: “Pyatyorochka”
For the past year from all Russia has received over 8 thousand applications to open new stores under the franchise network. Biggest part of applications went to Leader in number of opened stores was Moscow region, where was opened more third of all new franchise points. Also actively launched stores in Leningrad (21 pcs.), Volgograd (13), Vladimir (10) and Kaluga (7) regions. One of the notable events is the exit of the network by master franchise in new region – Republic Sakha (Yakutia), and also start of the franchising program for attracting entrepreneurs in the Far East. “Pyatyorochka” actively expands franchise network, attracting also and new entrepreneurs. In 2024 the network began cooperation with 79 new partners who have already opened their first store or are in process of opening. Today today the total number of partners of network is 174 entrepreneurs from different regions of the country. One each partner with this is taken in average about about 5franchise points, and more than half (52%) of franchisees operate more than 2 stores. As a rule, the owners of stores are men (94%), but there are and examples, when the business is opened and women (6%). In aims to open more than 400 stores in franchise.