
In 2025 year in Russia will begin to sell alcoholbybiometrics

В 2025 году в России начнут продавать алкоголь по биометрии

As soon as in this year in Russia the service which allows to sell alcohol with biometrics, writes TASS.

Zhuravlev Andrey/Shutterstock/Fotodom

Zhuravlev Andrey/Shutterstock/Fotodom 

General Director of the Center of biometric technologies Vladislav Povolotsky said about the  that in in

“As for alcohol, it is illegal to sell distance by the sale of the currently. But there are no restrictions on

He also recalled that recently the government allowed the application of biometrics registered in the Unified biometric system, for confirmation of age when purchasing energy.

The Unified biometric system is a digital platform, on

The Russian Federation mayprohibitthesaleofcupsforcansand bottleswith alcohol

Unfairproducersand sellers ofalcoholwillbeincludedin the list ofindividualswith poorbusinessreputation

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