
In 2024 year the market of milk products in the Russian Federationgrewby12.8%

В 2024 году рынок молочной продукции в РФ вырос на 12,8%

Despite the shrinking assortment, in last year in Russia was recorded increase in sales of milk products.

Viktoriia Hnatiuk/Shutterstock/Fotodom

Viktoriia Hnatiuk/Shutterstock/Fotodom

For 11 months 11 months 2024 year the entire FMCG market increased by approximately by 16%, Nielsen analysts found out. At the same time, the market for milk products slightly lagged behind their growth was 12.8%. But in in

According to analysts, in last year in money sales of traditional milk products (by 10%), as and modern milk

Most notably in all by  2023 year in in natural terms increased sales of soft cheese (15.1%), drinkable yogurts (11.6%), packaged yogurts (10.4%), packaged curd (8%). Sales of modern milk products (they include drinkable and spoonful yogurts, granulated curd, curd and milk desserts, glazed cheese, beverages from juice and milk). Sales of cream oil and margarine (-3.8%), sterilized milk (-2.5%), kefir (-1.1%) decreased.

At the same time as the sales growth in the industry was reduced in the assortment incommercial sales service sales sales in(-3.4%).Director “Nielsen” Svetlana Bobrova, this is expected situation in due to that the development of the market occurs waves: when too many new manufacturers entered the market, the assortment actively grew, but  now a new stage – optimization of the assortment. Most noticeably the assortment decreased in butter and margarine (-12.2%), in sourdough (-10.5%), thick yogurt (-9.5%), sour cream (-7.2%), drinkable yogurt (-6.5%).

In addition, about eight years in the country has seen the growth of private brands of retailers. In dairy shelf sales of all private brands are growing in physical expressions very dynamically: cream (by 33.3%), soft cheese (30.2%), melted cheese (25.5%), glazed cheese (23.3%), packaged curd (22.6%) and t. d. An exception is only the category of cream oil and margarine, in which sales STMs decreased by  0.3% (data from Nielsen).

B  “GFC Rus” calculated that the STM market share on the market was decreased by

Market fordairyproducts:demand,trends,drayvery

Milk consumptionin Russiaincreasedto record250kg per per capitapopulationin a year

In Russia priceswill decreasefor milkand butteroil

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