Despite the shrinking assortment, in last year in Russia was recorded increase in sales of milk products.
Viktoriia Hnatiuk/Shutterstock/Fotodom
For 11 months 11 months 2024 year the entire FMCG market increased by approximately by 16%, Nielsen analysts found out. At the same time, the market for milk products slightly lagged behind their growth was 12.8%. But in in According to analysts, in last year in money sales of traditional milk products (by 10%), as and modern milk Most notably in all by 2023 year in in natural terms increased sales of soft cheese (15.1%), drinkable yogurts (11.6%), packaged yogurts (10.4%), packaged curd (8%). Sales of modern milk products (they include drinkable and spoonful yogurts, granulated curd, curd and milk desserts, glazed cheese, beverages from juice and milk). Sales of cream oil and margarine (-3.8%), sterilized milk (-2.5%), kefir (-1.1%) decreased. At the same time as the sales growth in the industry was reduced in the assortment in In addition, about eight years in the country has seen the growth of private brands of retailers. In dairy shelf sales of all private brands are growing in physical expressions very dynamically: cream (by 33.3%), soft cheese (30.2%), melted cheese (25.5%), glazed cheese (23.3%), packaged curd (22.6%) and t. d. An exception is only the category of cream oil and margarine, in which sales STMs decreased by 0.3% (data from Nielsen).
B “GFC Rus” calculated that the STM market share on the market was decreased by