
In 2024 year fraudsters scammed from clients of four biggest banks in Latvia over 15millioneuros

В 2024 году мошенники выманили у клиентов четырех крупнейших банков Латвии более 15 миллионов евро

From customers of the four largest banks in Latvia, who have themselves confirmed payments, in the last year, fraudsters frauded 15,5 million euros, which is 22.4% more than the year earlier, according to information financial industry association (AFO).Most often fraud is executed by telephone: fraudsters call or send SMS messages. The AFO noted that the fraudsters use different methods, from traditional schemes to the newest methods of cybercrime. The Association stresses that to prevent increased incidents of fraud critically critical
is the cooperation of all involved parties and active participation of the community. Next week AFO will report on the scale and methods of fraud in Latvia in 2024 year: about the volume of money stolen and the number of fraud cases prevented, and also about, who most often falls
into the fraud trap, what are the most frequent fraud methods and how to not follow the victim of the fraud. The event, organized by AFO, will take place
on Wednesday, January 29, at 11:00 hours at the Verde Office Center, Robert Hirsch, 1, in the Medus Hall. The event will involve the head of the AFO working group on restraining fraud, the head of the security SEB banka Marcis Peltsis, deputy chief of the department for countering cybercrime of the Main Department of Criminal Police, Chief of the 2nd department
OlegFilatov,ManagerofprocessesinternalsecurityBiteLatvijaReinisPudans,SecurityanalystofinformationsystemsCert.lvDanaLudvigaandChiefLegal AdvisorofLicensingandSanctionsBankofLatviaIngusВалтиньш.

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