
Imported wines will rise in price by spring by 10-15%

Импортные вина подорожают к весне на 10–15%

Imported wines will rise by March by 10-15% because of new duties, write “RIA News”.

New Africa/Shutterstock/Fotodom

New Africa/Shutterstock/Fotodom

The Russian government in 2023 year has increased import duties on wines from unfriendly countries from 12.5% to 20%, but not less 1.5 dollars per liter.

The measure was initially in effect from 1 August to the end of 2023 year, and then it was extended for the 2024 year. In early August 2024 year the cabmin increased duties to 25%, but not less than 2 dollars per liter.

As said executive director of wine trading company Fort Alexander Lipilin, after the raise of duty prices on wine have still not

“In addition, the rise in prices is affected by changes in currency exchange rates and&nbsp>increases in other costs. Therefore imported wine will increase in price in the market by 10-15% in February-March. Most of the biggest importers, including and Fort, have already notified their partners of price increase in – Lipilin specified.

Manufacturer and

In Lipilin’s opinion, the increased demand could lead toand to raise the price of Russian wines.

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