
Important changes for Circles Communities Rural.From 1 January even 10-fold increase inrate.

Ważne zmiany dla Kół Gospodyń Wiejskich.Od 1 stycznia nawet 10-krotna podwyżka stawki

Circles of rural housewives with higher revenue limit

until this time, the limit for application by KGW of simplified evidence of revenue and costs was the amount of 100 tys. zl. From 1 January 2025 year this is a million zl!

The change in this concrete scope (so-called episodic provision ) is introduced by the law of 8 November 2024 year. o amending the law of public purpose and volunteer activities and the law of rural kosks.

According to this, the increase in the limit applies only to revenue. More importantly, to the limit will not include donations in-kind destined for statutory activities of KGW. What equally valid, simplified records of revenue and costs will not be available to women’s women’s women’s women’s

who conduct economic activities under the law of the day 6 March 2018 year. – Law of entrepreneurs.

Women in agriculture are leaders and innovators in this sector

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Women in agriculture are leaders and innovators in this sector

New rules for simplified accounting by KGW

In the referenced law -. which has entered in to life since 1 January 2026 ., for except for the aforementioned episodic provision – there are specified other important changes.

This is about:

  • extending the time for notification to the head of the tax office of property, through the district office of the Restructuring and Modernization Agriculture Agency, about selection of simplified evidence of income and costs (by the end of the third month of the tax year, at which the women’s women’s women’s women’s will start keeping evidence, a in the case of a circle of rural women starting activity, in the 90 days from the day of starting activity);
  • extension of time for notification to the head of the tax office of the property in matters of property tax of resignation from simplified records of revenue and

    costs (within the time of 90 days from the end of the last month, in which the

    women’s rural keep the record) and of fulfilling the conditions required to it.conduct (within the timeframe

    90 days from the end of the last month of the fiscal year, in which the women’s women’s rural keep this


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Over 12.8 tys. wheels ofruralwivesreceived64million£inbonusfrequencyReadmore


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