- How much phosphorus does corn need ?
- When is noted the highest demand for this food component?
Phosphorus deficiencies appear very fast
Phosphorus especially high importance has in the early development phases of custody. His deficiencies at this stage will confound problems later. This we observe after spring very often. On plants, where the dose of phosphorus was too low plants are weaker already from beginning. There are however before all the differences between curcula fertilized with phosphorus by application sprinkled and localized. With localized fertilization the root system develops better, plants have better access to phosphorus. In the situation, when after seeding there are low temperatures, plants where phosphorus has been administered in localized fertilization also perform better. Note also, that the soil usually is heated only enough to allow corn germination and growth. Thus phosphorus “likes” heat. The cooler, the worse its uptake. With temperatures of soil below 13 C already noted is a decrease in uptake P.
What will be the symptoms of phosphorus deficiency? They are characteristic, in principle not to be confused with other deficiencies. The most common visual marks of weak supplies in P are that the leaves will transform in the direction of purple colors. In cases of large deficiencies in whole plants may have such color.
However, it is worth noting, that the same discoloration is already a secondary phenomenon. De facto the problem lies on the side of the poorly developed root system. By providing phosphorus in fertilization localized the scale of the problem is reduced, because the root system is then stimulated and develops
in the direction positioned in the soil granule (the root system in natural way senses phosphorus and
goes to it).
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How much phosphorus do you give?
Corn with each ton of grain takes 8 – 12 kg of phosphorus. Average estimates in this range assume about 10 kg P2O5. assuming therefore planting on level 10 t grain plants should have provided on each hectare with at least those 80 – 100 kg of phosphorus.
One of the most popular phosphorus fertilizers used in corn is ammonium phosphate. Most occurs in two options, that is. NP 18-46 and 12-52. Also can be used among others, Superphosphate straight P(Ca, S) 19 (20-32), Super phosphorus dar P (Ca, S) 40 (30 – 5). Phosphorus is also supplemented by feeding NPK, which is quite often common. The dose of course must take into account the expected crop, the soil’s abundance of phosphorus and eventual fertilization naturally.
Stopping for a moment at the last. In the case of e.g.. manure the availability of phosphorus in the first year after fertilization is small. In a ton of manure we receive about 2.8 kg P2O5. Supplying therefore 30 tons of manure per ha we supply over 80 kg of phosphorus. Less in the first year after application there will be only 25 proc. phosphorus delivered in manure. We can therefore assume that the same
mineral fertilization with this component can be reduced by about 20 kg/ha.
Let’s also attention to soil pH. The best uptake of phosphorus is
noted at pH in the range 5.5 – 7. Above and below this range availability declines (due to substitution).
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The localized fertilization allows to lower phosphorus
This, how much phosphorus we supply to couruga, is dependent to a large degree among other things. on the technology that we apply. The highest doses are applied in batch fertilization. It is less precise than localized or then coordinated.In cases of localized fertilization the dose of phosphorus can be reduced by as much as 20 proc. in relative to application spray. What more – such reduction of dose of fertilizer does not then reduce the slack in planting. Note that this applies to primarily phosphorus, although higher effectiveness is observed also in other food components. This is important in the context of the food we choose. Unusually “in the fertilizer” is supplied ammonium phosphate or one of products NPK (depending on price or availability). In one and the other cases the efficiency of phosphorus uptake is higher.
Remember for this, that the appropriate dose of phosphorus should be applied before seeding (or in the track for application through reseeder). Crop fertilization with phosphorus is not very effective, and delaying the deficiency of this component very difficult. The more so, because it is a macroelement
needed at the same beginning of plant development. The subsequent application will not have the expected results, and only
will be delayed, because the critical period of demand for P corn will have already been
before you. It must be mentioned,thatthemobilityofphosphorusinthesoilisnegligible,athatmeans,thatinthesituation,whenthereisalreadyfundeditwillbetoolate,butitwillnotreachtherootsystemforaverylongtime.