- The right to apply in II half of 2024 year the maximum price in settings with microenterprises, small and medium enterprises and agricultural producers means using from public or aid de minimis, aid de minimis in agriculture or fishing.
- The maximum price applied to microenterprise also constitutes public assistance granted on the basis of binding regulations and after meeting the specified in it conditions.
- This is derived from the law dated 23 May 2024 . about the energy bonus and amending some laws for the purpose of limiting the price of electricity, gas earth and heat system, which has also introduced the obligation to submit to the energy “Information about help.”
- The deadline to submit the statement is 28 February 2025 year.
- What will happen, if I don’t submit the required documents by the deadline? According to the regulations, if you do not submit the required documents, you will be required to return PGE with interest the difference between the price maximum, and the price, which results from the bonding agreement.
If as an entrepreneur you used the frozen price of current from 1 July 2024 year to 31 December 2024 year, that you must submit an appropriate statement. In the other case you will be charged for after market price current, which were higher than those frozen .
According to the regulations you will have to refund with interest the difference between the maximum price, and the price that results from the contract, if:
- in the specified date you do not transmit information about the received assistance by submitting an appropriate application;
- or from the information submitted, that you do not meet the conditions for receiving assistance.
Who has the obligation to submit a statement for using frozen prices of current in II half 2024 year.?
The right to apply in II half of 2024 year the maximum price in settings with microenterprises, small and medium enterprises and agricultural producers means using from public or aid de minimis, aid de minimis in agriculture or fishing.
If your company , which has the status of small or medium enterprise has taken advantage of the maximum price in II half 2024 year. Whether this is the de minimis aid or the de minimis aid in agriculture or fishing and you should submit additional documents?
Yes. Price.The maximum applied to small or medium enterprises stands for de minimis – experts PGE emphasize. – Therefore those recipients, in accordance with regulations , should submit to PGE Trade “Information about aid” by the deadline to 28 February 2025.
If you are a micro-entrepreneur applying by PGE Trade the maximum price in settlements in the second half of 2024 year, this constitutes public assistance .
The maximum price applied to microenterprise stands public assistance given on the basis of binding regulations and after meeting the conditions specified in it -. responsible experts PGE.
In accordance with the applicable regulations for recipients of legitimate, who are small or medium enterprises, price maximum sales of electric energy is a aid de minimis, a de minimis in agriculture or aid de minimis in fishing.
On the other hand, in the case of eligible recipients, who are microenterprises, price maximum sales
of electricity are public aid.
Customers eligible, for whom PGE applied maximum prices in billing for electric energy in the
period from 1 July 2024 year. to 31 December 2024 year, by power law they have a duty to
submit the following, among others. to PGE as the entity granting aid, information about the amount of aid de minimis, aid de minimis in agriculture, aid de minimis in fishing or public assistance.
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To when must submit information about help?
Information about the help received must be submitted on the model published by the Minister of Climate and Environment
in the Bulletin of Public Information (BIP). Date for delivery of the statement, in
which the information about received assistance, must be submitted by 28 February 2025
If you do not submit the statement then according to the regulations you will have to return PGE along with interest.The difference between the maximum price, and the price, that results from the bundling contract, if:
- in the specified date you do not submit information about the received assistance, or
- from the information submitted, that you do not meet the conditions for received assistance.
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dla WOŚP?
How to sign and submit a statement about the help received for the enterprise?
Certification, in
which the information about the aid received can be submitted:
- Electronically – information about the assistance
provided with a qualified signature electronic, signature trusted (signature ePUAP) or signature personal confirmed by personal evidence with electronic (eEvidence) send with the electronic form.
- Traditionally – Information about help in paper version, stamped with his/her own handwritten signature provide: in person to our Office of Customer Service (list BOK PGE Object), or by mail, by sending to our address: PGE Object SA., ul. 8 Marca 6, 35-959 Rzeszów.
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What is the limit of aid de minimis for small and medium enterprises?
In accordance with regulations, PGE will provide ci information about the amount of assistance given in de minimis after the final settlement with Manager Clearance.
The limit of aid de minimis for small and medium enterprises is:
- the total amount of aid de minimis allotted to one enterprise.A member state to one enterprise may not exceed 300 000 EUR in a period of 3 years;
- the total amount of de minimis aid granted by a member state to one enterprise in the agricultural sector cannot exceed 50 000 EUR in a period of three years;
- the total amount of aid de minimis granted by a member state to one enterprise in the fishing and aculture sectors cannot exceed 30 000 EUR in a period of three years taxed;
- The value of aid in euro shall be determined in accordance with the law on public aid. The equivalent of aid in euro is determined according to the average rate of foreign currencies, announced by the National Bank of Poland, applicable on the day of granting aid.
Ifyouexceedthe designatedlimit,then PGEwill callyou torefundwithinterestthedifferencebetweenthemaximumprice,andthepricethatresultsfromthebondingusagreement.
- foraiddeminimisanddeminimisintheagriculturalsector-3 pastyearsshouldbeunderstoodinthisway,thatiftheassistancedeminimiswasgivenon10January2024year.,the subjectwasthe aiddeminimis,the aiddeminimisinagricultureandthe aiddeminimisinfishinggiventothe enterprisefrom10January2021year.until10January2024year;
- foraiddeminimisinthefishingandaculturesectors-3minimumyearsmean3yearstaxed.This meansthatthatthreetaxyearsshouldbe understoodastheperiodof2previoustax yearsandthecurrenttax year.