In 2023, the turnover of the Estonian eco-ice cream manufacturer La Muu, which owns a cafe of the same name in Põhja-Tallinn, decreased by more than 30 percent, but losses decreased noticeably, Rus.ERR reports. Ice cream La Muu. Photo: Madis Sinivee
In 2023, the turnover of the Estonian eco-ice cream producer, La Muu, which owns a cafe of the same name in Põhja-Tallinn, decreased by more than 30 percent, but losses decreased noticeably, Rus.ERR reports.
“In our FY 2022 performance report, we stated that 2023 will be a year of survival in which the key focus will not be on increasing turnover, but on cutting costs and finding a sustainable economic model. We can say that in 2023 we achieved the minimum goal – survival,” says the enterprise’s economic report for 2023.
La Muu's turnover decreased by 31.4% for the year to 1.49 million euros, losses decreased from 260,000 euros to 63,700 euros.
“Turnover has decreased in both Estonian and Finnish retail, and this despite the fact that we made the biggest discounts in history,” the company said, adding that with prices soaring, even La Muu’s regular customers stopped buying them regularly products.