Criminal cases in connection with Teletorni Kodud are still upcoming, the bankrupt trustee of the scandalous developer said. The bankruptcy of Teletorni Kodud has already lasted more than half a year, but about that someone will be criminally responsible for the “brewed cash”, says dv.ee. “Of course, they will be (personally) responsible,” said Andres Hermet of the key figures of the companies developing and
constructing Teletorni Kodud. But before he has to sell the bankrupt property, that is the free apartments. “We need to find out what damages we will incur if the apartments are sold for less than they could be worth in a finished house, ” Hermet explained. – – While the apartments
have not sold, I can never claim from anyone to reimburse for the damage.” Inconsiderate expensive loans, confusion with affiliated firms and homes with defects is the picture Dripäev found when he began to study
what is happening at Teletorni
Kodud.”I will saynotunderprotest:abig mess is brewing,” Hermet concluded.Read moreondv.ee..