
Hunters in any way are not a privileged group . P³ fights againstdisinformation

Myśliwi w żaden sposób nie są grupą uprzywilejowaną. PZŁ walczy z dezinformacją

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W communication press activists PPTWP have highlighted, that the popular narrative today that hunters are the only group of weapon holders, who do not require periodic medical examinations is from the ground not true. The unionists referred to the data of Headquarters of Police. According to their sources there are 323 083 people right


possess defenses we have in Poland:


  • 35 392 persons possess weapons for purpose of personal defense
  • 764 persons possess weapons for purpose of personal defense or arms
  • 137 404 persons possess weapons for hunting purposes;
  • 70 898 persons possess weapons for sporting purposes;
  • 101 persons possess arms for reconstruction historical purposes;
  • 76 249 persons possess arms for collecting purposes;
  • 1 732 persons possess weapons for souvenir purposes;
  • 1 264 persons possess weapons for training purposes;
  • 179 persons possess weapons for other purposes.

From this population only two first groups of holders have the obligation to renew the medical and psychological examinations. It appears that therefore, that nearly 290 thousand people authorized to possess weapons do not have to perform cyclic examinations. In this pool the hunters do not contribute even half.

The hunters are not therefore in any way privileged. They count in one of 6 categories of holders of firearms, for whom the legislature has not provided the obligation to perform periodic medical examinations and psychological tests.

As adds PZ£, owners of weapons designated for hunting purposes as only they may possess short weapons – pistols or revolvers, a possessed by their self weapons may carry only in hunting circuit and only in the performance of hunting.

Selective treatment of opinions public

In their communication activists of the fact, that in the public space completely ignored the result of the community consultation, which was conducted a context of changes in law. On every step it is cited that a study of opinions commissioned by the Let Live – conducted on a group of 850 people suggests, that 92 proc. the public supports the change of the law. They are silent on the fact,

that in theconsultations community – in which participated nearly ten times more people, over half (52 percent.) expressed strong disagreement with the imposition of mandatory periodic examinations of hunters.

In the day vote the Sejm rejected a project to introduce legislation imposing

onhuntersthe obligationtoperformperiodicmedical examinationsPhoto.BudjakStudio/ShutterstockReadmoreHuntersdon’thideulgesaftervoteonthemandatoryterm surveys



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